Author: A Lanart
Title: Close Encounters of the Wardrobe Kind
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Eleventh Doctor, Donna
Rating: G
Spoilers: See the character list. No warnings beyond this being a tad silly.
Summary: Regeneration necessitates a visit to the TARDIS wardrobe... and there's no accounting for taste!
A/N: You can blame a chat I had with
azzy for this. It's actually a drabble-and-a-half, 150 words exactly.
There had been explosions, and saving the world and heartache, but by the end of the day, the Doctor was still in the TARDIS, he was just wearing a different face. For a Time Lord a different face meant a different personality and the need for new clothes, the choosing of which could take some time...
“No! I categorically refuse to let you out looking like that!” Donna actually ran to block off the doors of the TARDIS, just to prove how serious she was.
“Don’t you like the dress, Donna?” The Doctor asked plaintively as he smoothed the deep blue, shimmery material over his slim hips.
“The dress is... lovely,” Donna answered, pleased that she managed to keep a straight face when the Doctor gave her a little twirl.
“If you like the dress, why can’t I go out?”
Donna sighed.
“Have you *seen* the state of your hair?!!”