Erin Heckles M4W Craigslist Personal Ads, Part um... what part am I on now? 3? 4? Trois! Quatre! Cinq! Fuck if I know.
ISO Blond Blue or Green eyed beauty to come home to - 36 You want some fries with that shake? Unh!
Looking for the Goddess of the Hearth to come into my life...Let's share eachother's Light prescence
Whatever the fuck that means, I want NO PART OF IT. You want a well-cared-for body, buddy? First lose the hippie vest and come down from your shroom trip.
ANY CUTE LADIES WANT TO GO FOR A BIKE RIDE? - 34 You know, I think craig should put up two M4W sections, one for guys who are open to any women, and one for men who have to put tags that basically mean "NO FATTIES" on them.
And The motorcycle! Really. I mean really. Go cruise by the lake, stop and get something to eat and enjoy the scenery? That translates to: I ride my bike down 35, we get a bucket of chicken and I drop you off at JOY of Austin while I get a pack of smokes. Dig?
PLEASE do not reply before considering what I say!!! Let me preface this by saying that I watched the Ann Coulter interview with Leno online last night before I went to bed. I had some HORRIBLE dreams because of it, and didn't get much sleep. This ad could very easily make me lose sleep tonight.
His use of dear makes me ill. I HATE men who use "dear" or "honey" often, it makes it look as if they're talking down to women, and that just doesn't fly. The fact that he doesn't know the difference between there, they're and their really doesn't make his, "If it took you 8 years to get a degree" line any better.
Do you think it's cool to hang out with Gay men because they are fun?....These are no-no's Dear!
Threatened much? I bet your penis is tragically small.
Okay, well, there's a lack of really irritating ads today, so I'm just going to leave these for your entertainment. I do have one quote for you guys before I do. This is going to be the closer for my personal if I ever get the courage to post it:
I can love any man... sometimes twice!