.cover art: for apple_pi's "Paradox of Vision" (John/Rodney)

Oct 28, 2008 13:52

Like a lot of the things I do, in or out of fandom, I tried my damndest with this for a few days before throwing up my hands and saying fine, be like that! and stalking off to sulk for a couple of months. Then, last night, I was reading some extremely wonderful poetry and mid-line I thought, Oh hey, maybe this would work instead. So I went back, pulled the draft, such as it was, apart, and did this instead.

"This" is a long-promised cover for apple_pi's totally awesome The Paradox of Vision, which you must must must MUST read. As I've said before, there's nothing in this world quite like doing art for a fabulous story... I think it's, for me, a different way of interpreting a story than the ways I usually use. Anyway. Art!

As I explained to Pi, there are also a couple of visual paradoxes worked into the background: just above Rodney's head are two pieces by MC Escher, Gravitation and Metamorphosis I, which I think are sort of appropriate to some of the themes of the story, and the small quotation is a line from Tom Petty's "Wake-Up Time."

In other news: It snowed last night, and it's slushy and gross today. Also, I was up until 3:00 or so, banging away at PhotoShop. Consequently, I am disinclined to be awake right now.

sga:art.canon, sga:art.large, sga:art.mcshep

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