Eight Things (or less) <--- I suck for only being able to think of 8 people.
-List ten things you want to say to people but you know you never will.
-Don't say who they are, use people only once.
-Tag at least 3 other people who you want to do this.
1. "Good afternoon and a rich welcome to you." Only you would know what I mean.
2. You. Pier.
3. You are seriously the most messed up kid I know. I don't understand how you can even function on a daily basis, but somehow you are brilliant at the same time.
4. Skeet on scrub.
5. Me trying to tackle you in the snow = bad times ;) <3.
6. I keep running into you in random places when our sisters are both doing the same school-related things.
7. The only jew with a fro (I don't think this person knows my lj but oh well)
8. N**gga stole my bike. Your nickname always reminds me of the Sword of Truth series when they talk about this one guy's journal. (Erin will know this)