Yeah. It’s huge. That’s the way I like ‘em
Keep in mind this is for my whole cast of boys [
scienceoffaith, and
_call_me_snake_ I’ve never played with you much, but you and your muse take me back to my TM days with Elvis and such. Snake is a cool guy and you definitely know how to write a mean prompt. I have always admired you very much for that and felt the need to say so now.
akawesleysnipes Okay. Alpa was basically the highlight of Tropic Thunder for me, I won’t even lie. I can hear him in my head through your posts which constantly makes me laugh out loud. If anyone has put Damien in his place so far it has been Alpa!
amazing_harold - Holy crap. You have the most adorable muse I have EVER encountered on the internet. Reading his posts on SWS always bring a smile to my face and if Tony wasn’t such a jerk I’d totally have him interacting with Charlie more. Anyway, kudos to you!!! It’s always a joy to read.
bud_or_brando - I have never actually played with Marlon nor have I ever been an avid follower of him. Catching his posts around SWS from time to time, however, I can't help but smile. He's not the conventional kind of guy and just speaks his mind. Heh. I think we need more of that around the community.
gift_2_humanity - Booner!!! Hahah. From the moment he brought up zombies to Hurley you had me laughing. I can’t say we’ve played any more since that time, but I have enjoyed playing with you so far!! Looking forward to more in the future!!
hot_damn_kl - Kirk. What can I say about our resident method actor? He was the first Tropic Thunder muse I saw in the community. If you can pull off playing a conflicted actor who thinks he's an African American army sergeant then I think you can pull off just about anything. Keep it up!!
ironmonger - OBI AND JEFF FOR THE WIN! Haha, I have only known you for a short time, but I definitely enjoy our conversations and evil plotting. To go from someone like Obadiah to a muse who is constantly making Damien weep making me laugh is the true sign of an epic writer. :D That’s why I like you.
lawyerlarry - Yeah. You’re epic. End of story. Tony’s exchanges with your kid always get me giggly. It makes me remember my mom going into Ally McBeal mode and totally ignoring me for an hour…wait. Okay. Back to what I was talking about. Larry is amazing and adorable. Tony’s still not prepared to surrender his good looks anytime soon, though.
mr_colbert - MY TWINBO!! MY CHOLO!! I seriously can’t think of an RP without you!! You’re one of the people I have known the longest and who I can unleash my crazy special sense of humor on without fear of scaring you away. AND WE ARE SO ON THE SAME MIND WAVE IT’S NOT EVEN FUNNY. All the muses you have exceed expectation and yet we can have so much fun with crack! How is this possible??? I love you, twinbo. I think that’s what it comes down to :D
mustknowall - You. You are also someone I have known FOREVER and who is not scared away by my friendliness and my sense of humor that stretches beyond insane. I feel like we can talk about ANYTHING…especially YouTube videos and n00bs. *hug*
not_worthless - Thank you for not having a creepy Shannon with the overtones or blunt statements of incest. That is just an instant win!
powered_otaku - Hiro is officially the cutest thing. Ever. I think that sums it up nicely.
robot_friends - You guys are hilarious. I don’t know how many people know your muses’ fandom or even pay attention to their SWS posts, but whenever I see them pop up you have no idea how big my smile gets.
slightly_bitter - Another shoutout for a non-creepy Boone. You actually give respect to the character and capture his personality and snark so well. I'm always glad to see him pop up on threads!!
superherotype - El Tony primero! It's always good to know you're around representing the Tony Starks...however many there are now. It's always good to see a SWS post or getting a comment.
takingouttrash - What would I do without you? :D From ickle Tonks to Pepper, I couldn't go without reading your writing or the occasional giggly AIM chat. Whether it's pure hilarity or discussing a prompt that makes us totally sniffly I am very glad to know such a kind and wonderful person!!
wentfullretard - TT Crew!! Our action guy!! You do Tuggernauts full justice...and his post about Tyra Banks made me fall instantly in love with your portrayal. I hope you keep him around for a LONG time. I mean the crew just started developing intuition and psychic powers, after all.
xaxayayana - OMG11!!11111 U R THE PURFCT CHILDE. ILU 4EVER LONG TIEM!!!11….1313!!!!
I’m sure I’ve forgot some people regardless of whether we’ve actually played together or not. Uhh…! You know who you are? Seriously, the muses I play with now tend to be awesome in itself.