Application: Hometrail | Shinji Ikari

May 09, 2010 19:33

player info.

name/handle: Kazu

contact info: / candycaneFLAWS

personal journal: aestheticlost

previous characters: None, but I’m also apping Ciel Phantomhive and Sora.

character info.

character name: Ikari Shinji

canon & medium: Neon Genesis Evangelion | Anime

age & species: 14 | Human

appearance: !

previous rpg memories: None.

timeline: Episode 24

background/history link: Shinji’s history is basically the history of the show, so I hope this works: !


Shinji is the product of low self-esteem and parental neglect. He’s shy, and so socially inept it hurts sometimes to watch. He doesn’t let people get close, and withdraws into himself when they try. He prefers to spend his time alone listening to his SDAT. Shinji does his best to limit his social interaction as much as he can, not really trusting people enough to let them get close to him. If he avoids then ignores them, nothing bad can happen. He won’t get hurt.

When it comes to difficult things or situations, Shinji takes the easy road: he turns and flees. His mantra is “I mustn’t run away”, but when for the most part, he still does. He avoids confrontation and shrinks back into his shell when faced with trouble. He doesn’t really indulge in physical contact, flinching away timidly.

However, as the series goes on, and he actually gains friends, Shinji seems to break out of his shell more, growing closer to people and showing a better side of him. He becomes more outgoing, learning to speak up for himself and actually reach out to people. He still struggles with his problems, but can handle them, if only a small bit better.

He isn’t as indifferent or apathetic to other people as he seems, as he shows great caring towards the people who become his friends. He has compassion, too, as he agreed to pilot the Eva when they were going to be put Rei, horribly injured, right back in it. He’s gentle and polite, though these do draw back on his timidity.

Shinji has three big quirks:

When anxious, worried, or nervous his right hand twitches and flexes.

When attempting to avoid a situation, he listens to his music player [called an SDAT], growing increasingly apathetic, as shown through his carelessness to the life of the battery.

And possibly his most noticeable one; when confronted with a situation he want sto flee from, he often chants to himself “I mustn’t run away! I mustn’t run away!”\

But, it would be helpful to note: From his time point, he has killed Kaworu, whom he regarded as a close friend after only a day, and has once again fallen into his past behavior of timidity and shutting out the world.


- Piloting the Eva:

Not very useful in this world, obviously, but it’s still something he can do. Shinji is the “third Child(ren)” in NGE, and pilot of Eva Unit 001. With this, he fights angels and goes berserk! It gives him the ability to use giant guns and rip things apart.

Not very informative, but what do you expect of giant robots?

- Playing the Cello:

Shinji is actually quite skilled at the Cello, though he doesn’t seem to enjoy it very much. He started when he was five, at the demand of his caretakers, and was never told to stop, so he didn’t.

- Being emo:

It’s Shinji. He can provide the power of emo and whininess.

He doesn’t have much to offer physically, because he’s a pretty scrawny kid.

any plans for your character here? I’d like to see if I could develop Shinji’s character for the better in a change of situation. How would not having to pilot the Eva, and experience all the stress and pressure help him? Or hurt him? I want to find out!


- SDAT music player, though I know it won’t work

- School Uniform.


sample journal entry: [ We're sorry, this junogam is not in service! You see, it's new owner? Is kind of busy flailing about uselessly and wondering where he is to really notice it. So for a while, nothing happens, until finally: ] A-ah, hello? Um, can some tell me where I am p-please? I don't know how I got here, a-and I don't mean to be an inconvenience but I really need to get home.

My name is I-Ikari Shinji, and I live with a woman name Katsuragi Misato, if you know her...

...Thank you. [ And with that, he waits. ]

third-person sample: It was the slight vibration of the floor that alerted him to the call for dinner as he lay on his bed, head phones in his ears and turned all the way up. At first he brushed it off, staring at the cieling with blank eyes, too lethargic to get up and follow with the others. Lethargy, apathy..they were all familiar feelings to him, setting in deeper and deeper as the beat from the SDAT continued. The light was flashing on the thing, warning him of a low battery he had no hope of being able to charge in this place. He didn't bother to move and turn it off, to conserve some of it's battery. Instead, he rolled over onto his side, bringing his legs closer to his body. Though his stomach growled, he stayed curled up, staring blankly at the wall with silence buzzing in his ears.

It wasn't worth the effort, he thought, to go and eat with everyone else. Maybe not worth the effort to eat at all. No-one would notice if he was there anyway. If he walked in they would just continue their conversations, completely ignoring him as if he'd never existed. I might as well not. To other people, I don't mean anything. I'm not worth anything. The teens eyes slipped shut as he thought this, letting a breath out. Whether he went to dinner, or even bothered to leave this room ever again, everything would continue on without him. He wasn't consequential here. At home he'd had to pilot Eva, for the city. For the world and everyone in it. To prevent Third Impact and to make his what? Pay attention to him? Praise him? Look at him for more than a minute while the hate he felt for the man who helped give birth to him grew stronger and stronger?

But here that wasn't necessary. Here he could just be Shinji. Shinji whom everyone ignored, or passed by. That was one thing that hadn't changed between his own world and this knew one. No-one noticed or cared.

But someone had once, he remembered, holding onto the memory of red eyes and silver hair. Someone had called him friend, had told him he loved him and how embarrassed had Shinji been then? Their friendship had been shorting and fleeting but it had been there.

Until he killed him. Crushed him as if he were nothing more than an ant under his foot, and it had been done.

The apathy sunk deeper.

He'd brought this on himself. He'd killed his only friend and now there was no-one left to call a friend. but it was better this way.

Being alone was better then being hurt.

The SDAT died and the music faded.

character: shinji ikari, application, roleplay, rp: hometrail

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