Birthday Info ...

Jan 28, 2008 16:36

Or, will be having it quite soon. And because I am rather disillusioned with almost never, ever doing anything but work on my birthday, I have decided that there shall be an attempt to pursue some fun times this year.

Unfortunately, my birthday falls on what will be the second-to-the-last day of my company's fiscal year ... which pretty much means that I'll most likely be working insanely long hours late into the night on my actual birthday. This happened to me on Halloween, and I wound up stuck here until about nine, which meant that I got next to no time at Disneyland, after the driving and the parking and the shaking and the moving.

Sorry, had to get that Katamari Damacy quote in there. XD

So, with the above in mind, the plans have been tentatively set as thus:

[ACTUAL BIRFDAY] - Wednesday night will be a dinner-only type thing. I'd really, really like to just get together with all of my friends, 'cause honestly, there's a bunch of y'all that I only get to see once a month or at conventions, despite the fact that I actually live an hour or so away from some of y'all, and so ... I'd like to get to just hang out with you on my birthday. I'd like to do dinner: no frills, nothing fancy ... just a nice, casual dinner.

-- PROBLEM IS: It's a Wednesday. XP Which makes any sort of a drive more difficult, and taxing on the system when one considers that they must wake up for work tomorrow. Plus, I don't know how late I'm gonna get stuck at work, so that makes concrete plans rather difficult to lay, if you'll pardon the pun. So I don't expect to see a whole lot of people there Wednesday night, and I'm only really counting on about two or three, but it would sure be nice, even if it's only wishful thinking.

-- Ideas for dinner locations include, in order of closing times: Old Spaghetti Factory, Curry House [with chances of DDR at Boomers], Dave and Buster's at Spectrum [with chances of DDR-alternative i.e. whatever-that-is in the game room], or Denny's, if all else fails. XP

[BIRFDAY WEEKEND] - Since my actual birthday is gonna be pretty much bunk, I plan to use the weekend as a substitute. =) So I'm planning to cram a bit of fun and stuff into Saturday and Sunday, despite the fact that January 30th will have been a few days prior. XD

-- PROBLEM IS: ... I don't know exactly what I want to do yet. XP I wanna get to see people, so I want to do something that includes everyone, or can include everyone, so I'm just gonna throw out some ideas to see who's interested in what. If more people can/would do one thing over another, then I'd like to go that route.

Possibilities include:

- [DISNEYLAND!] - This is a thought because I know that a bunch of my friends have annual passes, making it free for them to go. I don't actually have a pass, but I plan on purchasing the first stage of one on my next visit. And since I haven't been to the park proper in ... well, a real long time, and I've only ever been to California Adventures once (and that was rushed and complicated), I'd like to go back, a'specially for my birthday! It also makes it much easier to gather for dinner at Downtown Disney, 'cause we'd already be on site.
-- COMPLICATION(S): It's pricey for people who DON'T have passes (don't I know!) and considering the weather lately, it's liable to rain. So that makes it a little less alluring as a prospect. But Downtown Disney doesn't require admission, so it's still a possibility for dinner.

- [MEDIEVAL TIMES!] - Simply because I've ALWAYS wanted to go, and despite the fact that I live less than an hour away from the 39, I've NEVER BEEN. And it seems the sort of fun, once-in-a-lifetime type of experience that one might indulge in for one's birthday. And it's indoors, so even if it does rain on Saturday, we won't get wet!
-- COMPLICATION(S): Once again, it's pricey, and I'm not sure how many people would wanna go. Plus it's just a dinner event, and it's getting to be last-minute and I'm not sure if we could still get in.

- [SNOW!] - Because I bought a brand-new snowboard last year and I only got to use it once before the season was over, and because I haven't been yet this year, and because at least three of my friends have said that they would be willing to try snowboarding with me, and because I'm an addict, and because snow is beautiful to play about in even if you aren't barreling down a slope, and, and, and. If we went, it would prolly be to Big Bear, 'cause um Squaw and Heavenly and Mammoth are all a little far away, nevermind how much better the Sierra resorts are than what we've got local.
-- COMPLICATIONS(S): It's a bit of a drive, it could storm and thus require chains, it could be COLD, not everyone might want to play in the snow, not everyone might want to try snowboarding, snowboard rentals can be pricey too, learning to snowboard can HURT (this I know), and I kind'a really don't want everyone to go home from my birthday in pain. =/

- Then there's all sorts of other, less spectacular options, like going to a movie, or going to a roller rink, or going to the coast, or whatnot. I'm open to suggestions if it pleases the majority! =)

[SUNDAY] - Will prolly be spent in the pursuit of DDR! There is a 4th (that's right, an archaic 4th!!) Mix at the local Boomers with which I am madly in love, and there's at least three other Boomers that I know have cabinets, and the arcade at the Town Centre, and failing all else there's still Super Arcade! XD And since we'll be at Boomers at least once anyways, there will probably be miniature golf in addition to the DDR-ness, with chances of lazer tag/go-karts/ferris wheels/what-have-you, too. Weather permitting, of course.

So if you don't want to/can't make whatever happens on Saturday, you can come and geek on Sunday instead.

Let me know!

birthday plots and plans

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