Yes! So! This post is about a week late. Unf. I had to work at the San Jose campus Tuesday and Wednesday after the con, and then I didn't get back until right before I had to go to (normal, regular, here) work on Thursday, so I've kind'a been dead and catching up since.
Here's the YouTube goodness that was our Fanime 2008 Masquerade Skit (y'know, to prove I was there and all > >;) aptly (or perhaps more rediculously) entitled, "Maximum Pwnage."
If you talked to any of us in the cast, tho, we commonly referred to it as skitcrack.
Yes, skitcrack. That which keeps you up until three in the morning LOLing over proto-audio, burns out your muscles after MONTHS of practicing Para Para (only to have your three-minute routine pared down to twenty-five seconds, oy), steals all your hours of sleep assembling "life-sized" props and poseable bits and all sorts of nonsense ... That which leads you into a pr0n shoppe in the middle of the night in search of a blow-up doll with no orifices. (Don't look at me; it was Venom's idea!)
Yah. Skitcrack.
Click to view
I was teh Morrigan (that's the green-haired, bat-winged chick for those of you who don't know yer videogames) in the group, and boy, let me tell you, it was really an honor to get to work with a group like this. ^_^ Every single person brought something to the performance, and brought out the best in one another. Except Judy. She's just an airhead. XD (Judy is the blow-up doll, btw. ^_~) I wish that all Masquerades could be as much fun as this one was!
... well, minus Juggernaut going missing backstage and sending us all into a panic.
... and minus harness/prop/lighting/progress book malfunctions of every kind in the final twenty-four hour stretch.
... and minus not finishing my costume until (I shit you not) twenty minutes before judging.
... and minus breaking a wing on stage.
P.S. - Because it's too funny to pass up: guess who was at Fanime this year?
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He was a con-goer, too, mind you - he was NOT with the protestors; note the Fanime badge around his neck. =3 We had our own experience with a "miracle" ourselves, but I'll save that for the con report (and if you were at Fanime, odds are you've already heard it anyways!).
P.P.S. - If you don't get the phrase "I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!" then you'll have to watch this one, too:
Click to view
And now, back to catching up on a week's worth of work ...