Looks and Personality
You Gotta Have Blue HairWhite-Haired Pretty BoyAmbiguously BrownGreen EyesWhat Beautiful EyesMoeBishōnenReally 700 Years Old: Mentally, at least. Marid is more than 1000 years old. Laurent is 17, and does look like 17.
Hidden DepthsSlave Brand: Laurent mentions his past condition as a slave if asked, but he is deeply ashamed of the mark and does all he can to hide it.
Man In White Nice GuySensitive Guy: Specially to Durham's Manly Man.
Split Personality Sort-of, with Marid, but It's complicated.
Berserk button: Aisha, and trying to force him into slavery again. That won't go well if you try.
Power Gives You WingsClaustrophobiaDissonant SerenityPhysical God Life
Five RacesDark and Troubled PastFantastic Racism: And how.
Made A SlaveHo Yay /
Odd Couple: When paired with Durham.
Tranquil FuryOdd FriendshipBi the WayBadass CrewNakama: With Adam, Lilith, Durham and Hunter.
Took a Level in BadassHave You Seen My God?: The search for Asherah’s temple.
The Chosen OneLast Of His Kind: Partially Subverted.
There Is Another creature just as powerful as djinn Laurent, but it's an Ifrit.
Abilities/ Magic
Person of Mass DestructionBeware the Nice OnesBadass Adorable: When Marid's take over he has wings and powers comparable as a god, but he still looks like a cute teen.
Living ShadowHealing Factor/
Super Strength: Only when in Marid's from, sadly.
The ArcherWeapon of Choice: Sinister ScytheElemental Powers: He has control over the weather and specially water. However, Laurent's fear for water is borderline close to aquaphobia and he rarely use that powers.