stolen from
darkyulate bb
"According to the meme, you have to post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations. No more than one sentence!"
1. If Leeteuk hears it too, he says nothing.
2. That night, Kris' mind is filled with memories of warm hands, a laughing voice, and the sound of the ceiling caving in on them all.
3. Chanyeol starts, and Minseok spends the next five minutes trying to put out the now-aflame sofa.
4. Fifty feet underwater, and Jongin has never felt more alone.
5. "Let me get this straight - you want me to punch the jet back in time?"
6. This isn't how Kyuhyun expected it to end - in twisted metal, flames, and the acrid stench of gasoline.
7. Ian looks beautiful, Souji thinks, even in death.
(the rest of my WIPs are all in the planning stage with absolutely nothing written OTL)