this sort of thing ties my studies together (this semester, i am taking physical anthropology, biology, and philosophy)... thanks to
hanzatsu, for providing additional
inspiration to explore this topic!
here's a vague outline of the material covered in this post ...see,
sheilagh, i can take
constructive criticism!:->
sexual paradox (complexity theory, evolutionary sociobiology, etc.)
CAVEAT: i do not agree with all of the conclusions drawn in this material, but i am still fascinated by the data:
` ` Sex is not about reproduction, gender is not about males and females, courtship is not about persuasion, fashion is not about beauty and love is not about affection.
It is about getting your genes into the next generation, and trumping the Terrible Three: predators, parasites, and the neighbors. Of that trio, parasites rank as the greatest foe. ' '
- "The Red Queen" hypothesis of the origin of sex
quoted from, _
Sexual Paradox: Complementarity, Reproductive Conflict and Human Emergence_
(if you like complexity theory and evolutionary sociobiology, then this is your kind o' material ...i am like a monkey with a button, reading this stuff!)
` ` The cosmic condition manifests, from its source, as an implicitly sexual paradox - between subjective experience and objective reality, wave and particle, chaos and order, each dependent on the other for their existence, in a way which makes the 'other' both the ultimate genesis and nemesis of each, in the dance out of which climax diversity emerges.
The core idea of sexual paradox is an extension of complexity theory to deal with the paradox that arises when a division occurs into two domains of order that can neither resolve their outcomes fully by cooperation, nor by conflict. Complexity theory suggests they will achieve optimal complexity in a state of instability in strategic paradox between the two regimes. This is a different form of complexity theory from 'edge of chaos' ideas but is very well established in evolutionary game theory and is manifest both in the prisoners' dilemma game matrix and the cusp catastrophe, when neither conflict nor cooperation can be resolved determinately - hence the paradox.
A continuing trend throughout our cultural history has been for the climax diversity of sexual paradox to become undermined, or made degenerate, by patterns of male sexual domination, which lead to breakdown of the complexity and verdant instability, into ordered patterns of control, and often of repression, violence, and genocide which lead to planetary rape and exploitation and compromise the living genesis and emergence in complexity sexual paradox evokes. We shall thus explore, along with sexual paradox itself, all the many ways in which its breakdown leads to double jeopardy and how sexual paradox is a koan and oracle for our social transformation to a sustainable society.
' '
- from the intro, "
Sex, Paradox and Existence"
biological differences between the sexes of humans are mentioned in this section, "
Are the Biological Sexes just Cultural Genders?"
` ` "The dark has a light spot and the light has a dark spot - that's how they can relate to one another." Complementation of male and female nature yin and yang in one another in the Tao (Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth - TV).
The opposites of male and female, light and dark etc. are not only interdependent, but it is essential for humanity to maintain a receptive relation to the creative Tao. This requires both the feminine receptiveness of the valley of the earth, and the primal pregnancy of the ‘uncarved block’, and also an attitude towards leadership and control which is humble and submissive and yields to transition rather than imposing order. ' '
- from
The Way of the Ultimate Tao"
traditional anthropological views
` ` Both sexes must have been able to care for young, protect themselves from predators, make and use tools, and freely move about the environment in order to exploit available resources widely distributed through space and time. It is this range of behaviors -- the overall behavioral flexibility of both sexes -- that may have been the primary ingredient of early hominids' success in the savanna environment. ' '
- Zihlman, Adrienne L. 1981. "Women as Shapers of the Human Adaptation," Woman the Gatherer, p. 97.
(conveniently found in
an elist archive transcription of a focus issue in my physical anthopology textbook, entitled: "Man, the Hunter; Woman, the Gatherer?")
In Native American Iroquois culture, women controlled food distribution, and chose male political leaders (apparently, many
early American suffragists, Quakers, and even Dr. Benjamin Franklin, were all greatly inspired by the Iroquois political system). In Africa, women of the Lovedu could take wives, act as priestesses, trade cattle, and rule as queens (there is mention of the Lovedu culture in this article:
Cross-Dressing Magic, Intersexuals & Female Husbands). Ancient
Celtic women went to battle along side men. Even today, there are cultures like the Agta, in which women hunt... and the Mbuti, who only have seperate gender roles as adults, particularly during the period of breastfeeding childen. In fact, quite a number hunter-gatherer societies that we know about have shown a remarkable degree of egalitarianism.
Many traditional cultures have treated certain individuals who were found to behave "differently" as a "third gender" ...a special status that often conferred supernatural powers befitting their situation, "in between the worlds."
my postulation of sixteen genders
Whether we like it or not, gender roles are to some degree determined by the cultures that we live in; even though our own internal concept of ourselves may be different from that which we display when interacting with society. And obviously, gender is not a static condition, but a dynamic range of possibilty which is constantly subject to change, depending on mood, environment, and interaction.
Personally, i generally use these combinations of four genders (really, a two-dimensional system in the context of internal & social) to conceive of a sixteen category system:
internal female, social female
internal female, social male
internal female, social neuter
internal female, social hermaphrodite
internal male, social female
internal male, social male
internal male, social neuter
internal male, social hermaphrodite
internal neuter, social female
internal neuter, social male
internal neuter, social neuter
internal neuter, social hermaphrodite
internal hermaphrodite, social female
internal hermaphrodite, social male
internal hermaphrodite, social neuter
internal hermaphrodite, social hermaphrodite
What do y'all think?
I'm sure that
i see way too much serendipitous synchronicity with my other research to be able to provide an objective opinion.
Perhaps i should apply some fuzzy logic to it... i can't imagine how unevenly the genders would be distributed.
According to Dr. Richard A. Lippa, in his book, "
Gender, Nature, & Nuture,
` ` Theories of gender focus on four kinds of explanations:
(a) group-level factors, such as the biological & social groups we belong to.,
(b) past biological & social factors, such as fetal hormones, and parental rearing,
(c) current biological & social environmental factors, such as current hormone levels and social settigns, and
(d) internal factors, such as personality traits, attitudes, stereotypes, and schemas.
Gender results from a complex cascade of biological & social-environmental factors. Biological factors include genes, hormones, and neurophysiology. Socal-environmental factors include the influences of family, peers, teachers, and media, and the effects of social roles and institutions.' '
the individual vs. society
So, do y'all think this oft cited theory will work?...
` ` Through its anonymity, cyberspace will invite the construction of a more ethical code and create norms for human interaction that strip distinctions of gender, class, race and power. ' '
- from
Transcendence at the Interface: The Architecture of Cyborg Utopia (or, Cyberspace Utopoids as Postmodern Cargo Cult)" A similar attitude is taken in this article:
Gender, Peace and Terrestrial Futures: Alternatives to Terrorism and War I am also reminded of the
Repressive hypothesis from
Foucalt's History of Sexuality, which states that in modern society, sexuality has been dominated by an authoritarian collective social discourse...
Here's a recent essay from a "Primitivist Anarchist" perspective, by one of the most reasonable, and even still more radical minds of our time, John Zerzan (with commentary from the infoshop peanut gallery):
Patriarchy, Civilization, & the Origins of Gender Way back at the end of the 19th Century, Charlotte Perkins Gilman was writing about, "encouraging women, and specifically mothers, to develop the strength to liberate themselves from their subordinate positions in the family and among society as a whole. Her later work suggested that the means to accomplish this might be achieved through helping to develop alternative economic systems for their communities." (quote taken from my essay,
An Analysis of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Short Story, "The Yellow Wallpaper" in Historical & Biographical Context)
sex, gender, & transgender resources
while researching, i found some other items of concern to contemplating sex & gender...
here are some generally progressive contemporary perspectives:
Gender role -- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. List of transgender-related topics -- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Five Gender Theorists Human Sexuality Collection @ Cornell: Sexuality Research Guide About Gender - Towards a balanced account of human gender and sex differences (Gender Roles, Gender Variance, Gender Identity) The Transcendence and Transmission of Hedwig’s Transsexuality Barbie Liberation Organization (` ` The BLO returned the altered dolls to the toy store shelves, who then resold them to children who had to invent scenarios for Barbies who yelled "Vengeance is mine!" and G.I. Joes who daydreamed "Let's plan our dream wedding!" Cleverly placed "call your local TV news" stickers on the back ensured that the media would have genuine recipients to interview as soon as the news broke. ' ')
An Introduction to the Work of Ken Wilber (including the idea that the difference of value spheres between males and females is primarily attributed to hormonal differences: namely, testosterone, which has the drives of "fuck it" or "kill it," and "oxytocin," which promotes feelings of attachment and nurturing.)
Is evolutionary psychology sexist? Sartre, gender theory and the possibility of transcendence Chimeric identities. Psychology of Gender Identity & Transgenderism The International Journal of Transgenderism Gender Diversity in Sexuality (power point slides) Who put the "Trans" in Transgender? Gender Talk: Resources Chestnuts: A critique of scientific and media reporting of sex and gender issues Gianna Israel Gender Library Gender Nonconformity Gender Public Advocacy Coalition Crissy Wild online -- "The Leading" Transgender Resources Library sophiaserpentia's "a rant to the world at large" ...You cannot possibly imagine what it is like to be transsexual. Unless you are transsexual, and even then you only get a cross-section of what it's like...
Annoying Gender (thanks for the link,
The current hyperlist of sexuality & gender oriented livejournal communities Gender-Related Electronic Forums
The International Bill of Gender Rights Music and Transcendence This issue strikes me as somewhat ironic, but nonetheless essential:
"Bringing men into gender" @ the Gender, Science and Technology Gateway --
androgynous... gnostic... hermetic... alchemy...
A google search on for the word "androgynous" produces some fascinating materials Searching the web for the words, "androgynous gnostic hermetic alchemy" comes up with more fun stuff (some much better than others):
C. G. Jung and the Alchemical Renewal(The section called Alchemical Eros provides a good primer on the mystico-erotic relationship of "unitive transference" which produces an androgynous being)
The Duality of Philosophy From Orphism to Gnosticism Androgyne: The Union of Opposites Within gnosticism and feminine imagery...the principle of the sophia The Gnostic Androgene The Androgene (The Third Gender Classification) From Duality to the Androgynous State --
international & historical perspectives
there've certainly been many different international perspectives on gender throughout our histories and geographies:
"Indigenous Cultures" @ GLBTQ, including related entries An Overview of TG in Asia (with mention of TG groups in Africa, Oceania, & the Americas) Other Words for the Other-Gendered Terms For Genderbending or Genderbreaking People Exploring Gender Through Archaeology Diotima - Materials for the Study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World Alternative social organizations: an overview to matrifocal and egalitarian societies. Native American Berdache - Two Spirit People (Gender Does Not Determine Sexuality) Social responsibility, sex change, and salvation: Gender justice in the Lotus Sūtra Islamic Mysticism and Gender Identity .pdf of Homosexuality in “Traditional” Sub-Saharan Africa and Contemporary South Africa Sexuality, Gender, and Change in Africa Hijra in Indian Sub-Continent. -- Not Men, Nor Women Like a lady, In Polynesia Boy-Wives and Female Husbands ‘Yan Daudu’ and Proud - Same-Sex Bonds Take Many Forms In Africa Today Homosexuality in Non-European Cultures A Review of Gender Diversity: Crosscultural Variations, by Serena Nanda Gender and Development Genders: Presenting Innovative work in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Teories (publishing essays about gender & sexuality in relation to social, political, artistic, & economic concerns) Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality (A Publication of the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, SF, CA, USA) International Journal of Transgenderism
Intersections: gender, history & culture in the Asian context here's another publication that is sadly not available in full text for free online (i suppose anthropologists have to make money, somehow?):
Gender and Anthropology: Critical Reviews for Research and Teaching (including articles by such crucial scientists as
Adrienne L. Zihlman &
Linda Marie Fedigan)
there are at least some thought-provoking abstracts, here:
From the Ground Up: Beyond Gender Theory in Archaeology --
These resources are primarily bibliographic:
International Gender Studies Resources Women in the Ancient Near East: A Select Bibliography of Recent Sources in The Oriental Institute Archives --
I feel compelled to mention some related posts that i have made...
i listed some resources on feminism in this post:
evolving portrayals of modern women (and things & stuff...) also, these are some resources I have collected concerning
Matriarchal, Matrifocal, & Matrilinear society, and related topics... and here is a more focussed analysis of a particular current:
The Feminine Archetype in Thelema --
and these posts relate in the social sense:
"Work, & be our bed in working!" ...projective identification, triangling, group dynamics, and "The Tyranny of Structurelessness," "math is hard!" theory, the prisoner's dilemma, reciprocal altruism, & evolutionary cooperation can't we all just... get along? (creating mutually beneficial relationships) amor vincit omnia! ...frubbly compersion --
` `
For I am divided for love's sake,
for the chance of union. ' '
Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX, I:29