
Jul 29, 2005 12:47

i realize that i should really just get around to learning calculus (one way or another), if i am ever to functionally utilize the concept of infinity... meanwhile, this is still fun, for the moment... but eventually, there must be a limit!

meanwhile, i think that i will continue in the “uniting of consciousness with infinite space by the exercise of love...”.

on a related note, this surprisingly concise description of thelemic cosmology comes from
"Thus, the Book of the Law conceives of each conscious individual as a perfectly simple, and therefore indestructible, point of view in an infinity of possibilities all striving to return to their source and origin in Nothingness by gradually extending themselves over time to build up into their conscious sensorium an ever increasingly complex system of point-events, until they incorporate into themselves the totality of all that is, i.e., infinity."

for further clarification, this is from an article called, Zero Points & Heart Spaces:
"The Law is for All, elaborates these mysteries - in explanations of Hadit and Nuit. Hadit is an infinitely small and atomic point, while Nuit is infinite space, the root principle of creation which allows for the manifestation of Hadit. The conjunction of Hadit, the supernal point within cosmic space, Nuit, is the root for all manifestation. Hadit and Nuit are identified with various dualities; the masculine and feminine principles, yang and yin, motion and matter, the star or point of light within the darkness and emptiness of space. "

of further curiousity are the entities of Azathoth & Yog-Sothoth in Lovecraft's cosmology... according to The Necronomicon Research Group:
"Azathoth, the ultimate nuclear chaos that emits the random waves that govern the universe, seems to be the principle opposite of Yog-Sothoth, who embraces the expanses of infinity. Whereas Yog-Sothoth is infinitely large, Azathoth seems to be infinitely compact (e.g., the quantum center). HPL researcher Philip A. Shreffler states in _The H.P. Lovecraft Companion_ that the acting principles of Yog-Sothoth and Azathoth are "infinite expansion and infinite contraction" respectively."

infinity also appears in crowley's descriptions of the naples arrangement, which i have always thought a fascinating system; but perhaps y'all will enjoy this piece of skepticism about crowley's theories:
Of Myths and Maths (third in a series of articles)

or these contemplations of the unicursal hexagram by a satanist, and a thelemite

but here's some fascinating artistic theory, anyway:
Projective Synthetic Geometry in Lady Frieda Harris' Tarot Paintings and in Aleister Crowley's Book of the Law, by Claas Hoffmann (also q.v. my links to rudolf steiner & his anthroposophical theories of infinity, in my previous post about infinity)

oh, and although wikipedia has a less controversial listing for infinity that specifies: "Infinity is a term with very distinct, separate meanings which arise in theology, philosophy, mathematics and everyday life." ...there is also a discussion called Talk:Infinity at wikipedia that has been referred to as, "a mushy mix of philosophy, intellectual history, and mathematics, (containing) a lot of outright errors"

also, amusingly enough, the World Peace Translation of The Tao Te Ching uses the word "infinity" to represent the Tao.

math, leminscate, ouroboros, art, tao, theology, philosophy, yog-sothoth, analemma, nuit, azathoth, infinity

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