Mhm. It's pretty emotional/dramatic. I like parts of it. Not all of it. That's typical me.
Please please let me trust and I hope no one takes this as theirs..all my writing really hits home for me so my heart would surely break if I found out someone took this as their own..
Please, enjoy. Comments are more than welcome.
He leaned her back on the bed and looked at her. Plain shirt, no sophisticated details, no classy elegance. Funny how he would even know to look or notice the absence of that. Before he met her, he knew nothing of the simple beauty that detailing could bring.
Too much thinking of her, I'm falling back into the old ways. He made up for it by placing his hands on her hips and feeling. I'm searching he thought in his head. Wait, for what? For a sign that this is right? For a trace of her? No. I don't want her. I ended it. I showed her. I let her know that I wouldn't take it. I loved her but damn her and what she put me through. Damn her.
The girl whimpered, "Alex, mmm." She let out a deep moan that was too high, too deep to ever be real. She twisted and coiled like a snake over and on his bed. It disgusted him to watch the girl trying to be sexy. Try to do something that she did so effortlessly and so perfectly.
"Mmm Alex...I didn't know you liked it like that. I didn't know you could be so rough!" she let out a groan and he wanted so desperately to stop. To stop groping. To stop digging his nails into her back. To stop pretending. To stop wanting. To stop being in love with her. To stop looking for her everywhere he went. Her voice was a caress that silenced his pain and took him to a new state of being. Now her voice was immature and fake and inexperienced. What did this girl stand for? Nothing. This girl is, will be, nothing. He knew that. A filler in the whole she had left behind but it was a cheap way to fill the precious, sacred space. W****, b****, s***, c***. Who put you here? To take her place...
The bed protested to the actions taking place. The night was filled with doubt. The house was silenced.
His tears fell.
He released her and rolled away. He didn't care anymore.
"Alex, that was amazing." She tried molding herself into his back but he moved away.
"Halley..." a whisper in the night found it's way to her heart...
She awoke in a panic and groaned. Why does my heart have to race like that, she thought to herself. I know you're hurt, she spoke deep in her mind, hoping and praying that the message would somehow get transmitted to her heart one day. If she spoke aloud, the words would be blown away and drift aimlessly. The words would hang in the air. That's why there was so much tension in the room. She realized that the painful words never had a chance to escape or be captured and mastered. She had once been so skilled at capturing the words from dancing and twirling around her and torturing her. The words he said when he left. When he decided to go and find his happiness. Leave her to find her own..
She glanced at the handsome black journal and sighed. She rubbed her eyes and threw herself back on the pillow. She promised she wouldn't. She promised but what power did her words carry anymore? Her hand reached for the phone on the windowsill but simply disconnected it from it's charger and placed it on the doll beside her. Not going to do it. Not going to cave. Her body began to quiver. No. No panic attacks tonight. She hit her legs to silence them and curled in closer to her small body. If he needs me, he'll call. She felt her body: thin muscular arms, proud supple breasts, new body grooves where the fat was receding; whether from her exercise regimen or stress or a combination of both, there was no denying that she was losing weight. Now I lose weight when there's no one to impress? Ah, the irony. Life is cruel, she thought was she snuggled under her blankets. She glanced at her phone, checked the texts and grimaced. Stupid idiot boys...
The phone vibrated. She hoped, quickly, in that second.
Alex. Please. Alex. Please.
No. No. No. I can't do it.
She threw the blankets over her head and hid as if the phone would come after her. It stopped. Oh goodness. It vibrated again abut it seemed more urgent. Just my imagination. She poked her head back out and answered without glancing at the screen.
"Alex...don't speak."
authentic writings of,
adriana eliseth martinez.