Stalking is illegal. afdani1984 confronts muddy_foot.
muddy_foot is stalking afdani1984
muddy_foot’s REAL name :
Sells Sandford
muddy_foot’s REAL DOB :
28th February 1982
Height :181 cm
Weight : 78.6 kg
muddy_foot has dreamt about you :
22 times
muddy_foot became interested in you :
09th June 2004
muddy_foot’s latest dream about you
muddy_foot and afdani1984 make passionate love on a condom strewn beach in Belgium to the sound of George Michael’s Careless Whisper playing in the distance.
This is how muddy_foot describes your relationship behind your back
‘At first I thought it was just friendship, but it’s more than that. The way afdani1984 looks at me has to be seen to be believed. Either it loves me as much as I love her or it’s terrified. And that isn’t very likely, is it……?’
muddy_foot’s been stealing stuff from your house too.
muddy_foot has stolen your DVD recorder and will only return it once they receive a tongue kiss from you.
They’ve even started modifying their body for you
muddy_foot is considering having reconstructive surgery on their earlobes so that they are similar in appearance to your own.
They sent the following message to you in a Valentines
Words cannot express what you mean to me. I want us to be together forever. Do you fancy becoming siamese twins? My mother says she’ll pay for the operation. Apparently such a procedure has a 20% success rate. I’d do anything for our love, wouldn’t you?
The Police
No. calls to the police :
6 times
Your Last Call to The Police
"Police!?!? muddy_foot’s in my backyard again stealing clothes off of our washing line. This is the 10th time in a week for fucks sake."
muddy_foot’s Police File
15 years of continual drug abuse has taken it’s toll on muddy_foot’s psyche. Unstable and a potential threat to society.
Testimonies about muddy_foot
jadedragdoll - Dull O Dull
‘Fucks sake! muddy_foot’s been stitched up, that afdani1984 has always been a right scheming fucker. It’s a disgrace.’
spewilicious - Dry your eyes
‘Surprise Surprise, muddy_foot’s a dirty fucker? Tell me something different.’
jeremybrettfan - Flaccid Pornstar
‘Uncool and unhip muddy_foot is just plain shit!’