
Oct 27, 2009 14:13

What can Katurian do?
Katurian's powers are in part based on a fictional character he creates, the Pillowman, a tall man made entirely of pillows who has the ability to go back in time and aid people who’ve had horrible lives by convincing their childhood selves to commit suicide, sparing themselves from future pain.

Time travel?
Sort of! Katurian has the ability to travel back in time to another character's childhood, but is completely unable to interact with the environment and can only observe invisibly. (It's very A Christmas Carol.) In this way, it functions much more like experiencing a vision of someone else's childhood rather than actual time travel. If these powers are activated while he's speaking to someone via communicator, the past will appear to him through that medium. For instance, if someone is using the voice function, he could hear the sounds of an experience in their childhood. If someone is communicating with him through video, he may, for example, see their tenth birthday play out as though on a videorecording. Text has no effect.

Considering he can't actually interact with characters in their past, he can't actually convince anyone to off themselves, unlike the "real" Pillowman. For people native to the City (read: NPCs), however, he can interact and actually change the outcome of their lives. If he convinces an NPC's childhood self to let themselves die, they would be erased entirely from existence beyond that point. He can't do this to the characters brought into the universe, however, perhaps because of some wibblywobbly, let's-not-cross-worlds, space time thing. His power to interact with the past is limited to childhoods experienced on this specific Earth. (He can technically interact with the past of children characters here as long as they were in-game at the time, but we would need heavy, heavy plotting to figure out how that would go down, and he most certainly won't be offering to kill anyone because they are still ickle and can have a good life, maybe :[ )

It should be noted, however, that he has absolutely no powers of persuasion.

Katurian also has the power to sense the overall quality of someone's life. This doesn't allow him to know specifics, but he could, for example, recognize if your character had a nasty childhood and is doing all right now, or has always been perfectly happy, or is miserable every day from the time they get out of bed.

How will this go down?
Here, let me ask permission!

1. Can Katurian travel to/see your character's childhood?
Remember, he can't actually interact with anyone in the past if their childhood happened outside the current world. If your character never had a childhood, you can use your own judgment - if there was a time when they were less experienced and generally new to life, this could theoretically work. If you'd rather not have that count as a childhood, that is also fine.

2. If yes, what can he see?
What are some specific events in your character's childhood you'd think he could observe? Mundane things. Dramatic things. Throw them at me! I will always ask permission (probably by replying to you again in this post) before bringing this up in IC conversation.

3. What is your character's overall quality of life?
Give me ups and downs, people! Specifics aren't necessary unless you love tl;dring about your characters, since Katurian will never know specifics. How happy is your character with their past and present?

And, a bonus question!:
4. If Katurian drove an NPC into nonexistence, would your character be able to sense this?
You can skip this question if the answer is no. If your character is particularly keen on space-time and the answer is yes, let me know! :3

Thank you for taking the time to read this!
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