Hey everyone, this is Chloe here posting. Seeming how I just got Neil's journal back, and ta-da I have a lovely winner for the game of hacking into Neil's journal and fucking it up
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Created by tragicxstar and taken 286 times on bzoink! Do you...Like Nirvana?YesLove Nirvana?yeah sureRead about Nirvana?Yup. not so much anymore thoughObsess over Kurt Cobain?No..thats a bit weird. Im not EJ or AnthonyLike Hole?MehDo you own...BleachYeahNevermindYepIncesticideYesIn UteroYesMTV UnpluggedYepNirvanaNopeAny imports or singles?No
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alrighty. got sick of the old username so heres the new LJ. I wont be posting on silenthope07 anymore. Amyways...yeah....nothing else to say. Oh yeah...btw this is a friends only journal so let me know if I havent added you already.