Title: Not Even In Your Memories
AfiawriRating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Neal/(Kate); angst
Warnings: None
Word Count: 294
Thanks: To everyone who participated in my song meme.
Photoash Holidays.
Everyone’s drinking, so everyone’s stupid; laws get broken. If you’re law enforcement, you’re either out and about extinguishing stupidity or you’re home and not about to answer the phone for the office.
If you’re a criminal, well. You’d be crazy to pass up on that opportunity. Even if your girlfriend waves the glass of eggnog in front of your face and tells you that you make your own hours, so make them sometime else.
So Neal has one less memory of cuddling curled up on the couch and laughingly pointing out that Kate doesn’t get sentimental often, but when she does it’s something traditional like Christmas and she goes all out.
She didn’t want a tastefully decorated tree, she wanted one with ornaments upon ornaments she made herself. They were new ones every year, since they always had to leave everything behind at least once between each Christmas.
Neal wished he had a single one of those ornaments. Like the absurd snowflake ones she’d made out of silver yarn, pink aluminum wire, and clear purple marbles every year since she was ten. He’d laughed when he first saw them. He’d never expected them out of her, but the more he’d looked at them, the more they screamed Kate.
He wished that, when he walked into the Burke house, he didn’t see the candy canes on the tree and remember that she used to do that with theirs. He greeted Elizabeth with a smile and vague nod, and walked right past her to stare at it.
He wished that he had a way to know what he’d forgotten. And to remember it again.
He wished he had that one more memory of Kate instead of a few thousand dollars in his off shore account.