1) Name: Lily Evans
2) Birthday: January 30th
3) Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
4) Sex: Female
5) What Time Is It? 8:12 pm
Last Person who...
6) Called You: Well, it's been a while since I've used a telephone, but my friend Poppy phoned me when I was at home.
7) Slept In Your Bed: Cass, when she was drunk...
9) Made You Cry: Severus
10) Spent The Night At Your House: No one, recently.
11) You Shared A Drink With: I don't drink.
12) You Went To The Movies With: Well. Poppy. She'd phoned me to see a film.
13) You Went To The Mall with: Erm... forgot.
14) Yelled At You: I haven't been yelled at in a while.
15) Sent You An Email: Livejournal
16) Said They Were Gonna Kill You: ... No one, recently.
Have you:
17) Taken A Picture Of Yourself With A Milk Mustache And Sent It to The Milk People: No.
18) Said "I Love You" And Not Mean it: Never.
19) Gotten Into A Fight With Your Dog/Cat/Bird/Fish/Etc.?: ...Erm.
20) Been To New York? Soon, hopefully!
21) Been To Florida? No.
22) California? No.
27) Danced Naked? ... No.
28) Dreamed Something Really Crazy And Then It Happens The Next Day? Nope.
29) Stalked Someone? What kind of question is that?
30) Had A Mud Bath? No. That is unsanitary.
32) Had An Imaginary Friend? Yes, when I was very wee.
This or that...
35) Red Or Blue? Blue.
36) What happened to question 36? Let It Be Known that Sirius Black has eaten all question 36's. Alright, Sirius.
37) Wal-Mart Or Target? I'm told both have excellent bargains.
38) Spring Or fall? Fall.
41) What Are You Going To Do After You Finish This Survey? Probably read a bit.
42) What Was The Last Food You Ate? Rice pudding.
45) How Many Of Your Buddies are on? Buddies? On what?
47) Last Noise You Heard: Marlene's passionate speech on the right plant fertilizer. It was fascinating!
58) Bush or Kerry: Who?
A Couple more Questions...
67) Last Time You Went Out Of State: Recently?
68) Lucky #'s: 11
69) Things You Like In A Girl/Guy?: Listening abilities, intelligence, open-mindedness.
70) Weirdest Thing About You? I'm left-handed?
71) Do you have crush on someone? Why do they all ask this question?
76) What Book Are You Reading Now? Lolita
77) What's On Your Mouse Pad? Nothing? I don't own onw.
78) Favorite Board Game: Checkers. I'm rather traditional.
81) Worst Feeling In The World: Feeling unloved.
82) What Is The First Thing You Think When You Wake Up In The Morning: Usually my plan for the entire day, or at least the entire morning.
83) Favorite Alcoholic Drink? None.
84) How Many Rings Before You Answer? Two.
88) Do You Sleep With A Stuffed Animal? Not recently.
90) What Is Your Favorite Snapple? I'm rather partial to the apple juice.
91) Are You A Lefty, Righty, Ambidextrous? Lefty.
92) Where Do You Want To Be Right Now? Home