Aug 14, 2007 02:10
Leon. Stay away from the gardens.
Aug 11, 2007 14:01
Well, I'm certainly feeling the family love. The borrowing stuff without asking (otherwise known as stealing) is obviously very common. We're just that close. Who needs to ask anymore?
So. Legault. Any reason for stealing a ruined organization cloak?
Take your time. I'm in no hurry.
Aug 10, 2007 01:37
Look up? Clever, Legault.
Son of a... I'm going to kill something if I don't find that jacket soon.
Aug 07, 2007 00:31
Everyone. Stop paying attention to the pathetic, worthless replica.
You wanted it, you got it, Luke. Say shit like that again to Leon, and it'll be my chakram to your neck.
Aug 03, 2007 00:22
So. It's come to my attention that a certain Luke fon Fabre is angsting, and a certain Asch the bloody is being a general ass.
You know what would solve this problem?
If they got laid.
That's all I've got to say.
ou: luke,
ou: asch
Jul 31, 2007 23:47
Since it wasn't clear for some of you, stop reading my goddamned fortune.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gloing to go burn the hell out of things.
Roxas, if you want to meet up at the mess hall later, let me know.
Jul 27, 2007 17:03
You know, it's a good thing I don't like fortune cookies or else I might actually be mad right now.
As a note for all fortune tellers: Stay the fuck away from me. I don't appreciate your damn fortunes.
Jul 20, 2007 15:11
I'm making a big note on how much I love women...
Just in case anyone forgot.
Jul 19, 2007 22:56
... Alright, fine.
You win, Takion. I won't hack your journal entries anymore.
Sorry, little brother.
Jul 18, 2007 17:15
Pretty flowers.
For future reference, you shouldn't give flowers to a guy with pyromaniac tendencies.
Haven't burned them yet, but we'll see how long they last.