Chapter 2
Luke came to Mumbai for business reasons. Well, that was what he had thought. Trying to explain that which you cannot grasp yourself with words is tricky task. When they had kissed goodbye he felt the burning question in Reid´s eyes but he just hoped Reid trusted him enough to let him go. Luke knew the answer would come soon. And it did.
Grimaldi shipping provided him with a nice flat with a cook for his convenience for the duration of his stay, and he gladly accepted it because he preferred it to a hotel and he was grateful for cooked mean to have ready after exhausting days in office.
All the arrangements were handled by the efficient administrative assistant, Pooja, who was honored to help to the big American owner of the company she worked for and who got even more enthusiastic when she saw Mr. Luke Snyder Grimaldi was such a kind young gentleman.
After his final meeting after week of hard work, Luke signed few documents and handed any further transactions over to local executive director, Rahul Jayachandran, who proved to be very good manager and highly reliable person and whom Luke quickly became friends with.
He finally had time only for himself, to rest, to enjoy life and taste the country that he so longed to see. Because Mumbai was huge, Luke wanted to leave the next day for smaller city. After talking to Rahul, he decided on Pune, which lied about a 40 minute flight from Mumbai. Compared to Mumbai´s 14 million population, Pune with its approximately 5 million was going to suit him, even though it was the second largest city in the state of Maharashtra as Rahul had informed him.
Pooja booked him a ticket for the morning flight and recommended to him a few places to visit because she had her family in the area. As before, she arranged for him a small flat in Pune through her mother, and gave Luke a list of contacts with telephone numbers should anything happen. Luke said his grateful thanks and goodbyes and left for his adventure.
After his arrival to Pune he decided to take a look around the city to take in the atmosphere and maybe follow a few of the sites recommended by Pooja. Walking down the busiest street, after a week and a half in India, Luke was finally getting used to the smoggy air that hit him as soon as he got off the plane in Chha…he couldn’t remember Shivaji International airport in Mumbai. The dust covered the city completely.
It is said that any westerner who sets off for a journey to India will be culture shocked the moment he steps off of the plane. Luke had that exact experience. It was nothing he had ever seen. It was so different from the life he lived in Oakdale. He would stare with open mouth, but that would kill him.
Finally, he could walk without a scarf over his nose as his lungs became accustomed to the dusty and smoky air from traffic and trash burning. He could walk without giving out rupees to the begging children that were everywhere he looked. He could cross busy streets without fear in his eyes that he would be smashed by rickshaws or cows or loud taxis or buses with fifty people on the roof. There were people literally everywhere. No matter the time of the day or night, they were everywhere. The streets seemed chaotic with cars, buses, rickshaws, bikes, people and animals, all using their klaxons and horns sufficiently, with invisible rules of traffic.
Luke soon gave up using map, and since the street names and reality didn’t seem to correspond, he asked people for the center. Luke kept walking down the narrow streets, enjoying the morning rush, the different faces, the smells, oh my the colors. Indian women wrapped in beautiful Saris that were shining with all bright colors one could only imagine.
Luke was astounded by their beauty and the sparkles in their eyes. Despite the striking poverty on the streets, babies wrapped in scarves and newspaper, people ill with diseases from dirt or animals rummaging for food in waste scrap, they looked happy. Their eyes were alert, big and conscious, full of humbleness and gleaming with life force.
He loved to look in the eyes of people, because he loved people. He had to smile when he remembered Reid, that he would go crazy in the middle of this noise and tumult.
Suddenly he found himself in front of a large half circle shaped, white painted building and he saw many people pouring in and out. Luke noticed there were many westerners and in a vision of making friends because he was Luke Snyder, he went inside.
Luke learned it was in the institute of some famous guy who taught yoga, named Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institue. Because Luke has heard already a lot about the positive effect on body and mind, and he knew that Reid did some exercises himself, he signed up for a three week beginners´course and two theory workshops during the following weekends. He wanted to try as much as possible here and he looked forward to his first lesson tomorrow.
After one week of practice he started to feel very strong and he realized his mind was very concentrated and calm, as if his thoughts were asleep for most of the time. This was new. He was living in the moment. His body got used to the daily training and he got better and he started to get Reid´s ommm shanti shanti that freaked him out several times at the beginning of their living together.
These days, he skyped with Reid every day. It was getting harder to be separated by such distance for Reid. Luke tried to explain to him why he had traveled here and he asked Reid to give him few more weeks and he would come back home to him. He hoped it would be enough to find what he was looking for, even though he didn’t know what it was, and he trusted the existence and a little bit of luck would be on his side.
Reid noticed that Luke sounded different, more in himself, somehow tranquil and happy and he was happy for him. He just couldn’t wait to have him in his arms and then, yeah, mercilessly fuck him to unconsciousness.
That day after Reid´s evening call, Luke went to the center for a dinner with his new friend Christine whom he had met at the institute. She was a German girl who spoke flawless English and they found many common interests to talk about. Christine was in Pune for a third time and she explained to Luke a great deal about Indian culture and customs. Luke liked to listen to her, and she was a little mysterious somehow. She had a long black hair and brown eyes and a beautiful female curves, like some Hindu goddess Luke thought.
After dinner they took a walk towards their quarter. City noise in this area was more distant now and suddenly Luke´s ear caught deep sound of ‘ommm’. He turned in the direction of the magical tones and stared, surprised, when through the window he saw a couple sitting opposite each other with their legs crossed over one another, barely touching, with their eyes wide open, alive and locked as if in some trance, breathing loudly as if they were one.
Their unnaturally long breaths produced the sound that reminded him of ocean fizz, the one guruji called ujjayi breath in yoga classes. The sight fascinated him and his heart started to beat very fast, his arms hair stood up and he felt as if the sounds were resonating deep through his whole being.
Christine followed his gaze and his open mouth he had forgotten to close and smiled, nudging him. “Tantra”, she said. ”Tantra”? Luke repeated.
Christine invited him for a tea at her place assuring him that she would tell him more and Luke eagerly agreed. They sat almost till midnight and she enjoyed telling him everything she knew from her own studies of that sacred art. She knew a lot because it fascinated her in the same way as Luke and she was happy to share her wisdom of this wonderful path and to spread the love.
Luke listened with a fascinated look, closing and opening his mouth in turn, his eyes revealing how much he was drinking in and absorbing all of the information flowing from her lips. Christine talked about the philosophy of Tantra, about the meaning and purpose, about the rituals and techniques that can make one experience things he wouldn’t ever think of. Luke listened mesmerized. Christine could tell he was really touched.
She reached up to the shelf for a book she had bought a couple of days ago in an old antique store. She had no idea what had made her do it, because she knew it’s content by heart. It was an English copy of ancient text with tantric initiations and description of techniques how to deepen one´s sexual experience. Now she smiled and sent a thought of thanks to her intuition. Yes, Luke was the right person to give this to.
In his bed later that night, he couldn’t sleep as aroused as he felt. He read until the morning hours because he couldn’t stop. He saw himself and Reid in his mind. And he knew they were so ready for this. He was sure that Reid would love it. With some inevitable ‘I don’t do tantra’ bitching, but Luke was certain he would enjoy it as much as he would.
The next day, Luke read the book again the next night, wrapped it carefully in black velvet, smiled at his small ´milky signature´ for Reid and then went to local post office to send the package to their address in Oakdale. He was joyful and happy like a child.
Luke met Christine several times, who helped him to understand the tantric rituals and meaning of mantras and guided him through the first couple of sessions to make sure he understood how to do this properly, so he would be able to do it with Reid later.
Luke slowly began to feel this is what he came for. He felt he had somehow reached his destination here. At the same time he felt this was the beginning, the mere beginning of vast spaces and worlds he and Reid would enter.
Tantric master said to his disciples: “Rituals in privacy will give you the feeling of your own being. First you have to know your own pleasures in order to give it to the others.”
Luke watched himself with curiosity in the reflection of a large mirror in his little rented flat in Pune. He was breathing steadily and peacefully, his sight taking in his whole naked body. He was standing with his feet slightly apart, strong legs, firmly grounded like huge tree with his roots deeply connected with Mother Earth. Golden shade of his skin, soft and tender from the yoga, sun and natural oils from regular massages gave him healthy tone.
He felt physically strong, young, and full of juices of life and force of nature, his energy completely restored. Luke felt great and loved life. He felt different. He felt he had limitless possibilities, with which to live his life. There were no borders for him, nothing he couldn’t do or achieve, if he wanted to. Luke felt like a mature grown up man able to make his own choices and be responsible for their consequences.
Closing his eyes and bringing the attention inwards, he focused on himself. It felt good for a change to put himself first, to give himself his full and undivided attention. Observing the sensations in his body and watching the thoughts flow by, letting them go and not dwelling on them, he watched his chest expand in all directions and his shoulders broaden, as if he was growing taller and wider on all sides.
Wow. He wondered where was the spring, where was this source in human body or outside of body that gave him so much power, that gave him the strength he felt now. Yes, he could do anything he wanted and he was content and more confident than ever before in his life because he had found what he was looking for. He was trying the first lecture of tantric rituals on his own now, without Christine.
Disciple asked his tantric master: ´Where is the center of my pleasure? There has to be some center as it is with the things in whole universe, and yet I feel the pleasure in my whole being´. Tantric master replied: ´Center of your being and your passion is in your spirit´.
Observing his lips, Luke hummed the mantra of perception om ahdi ommmm. Christine explained that mantra is a sacred vibration that can bring us experience of given ´thought form´ or intention which it represents. So now Luke wanted to perceive and focus. He admired his lips. He knew Reid was entranced by them because the way he licked and sucked on them was…ahhh.
Luke ran his index and middle finger of his right hand over them feeling the sensations and imagining Reid had elicited them. With his left hand Luke stroked his left nipple sensuallizing it with a few circles, observing how it hardened and bringing the hand down. Continuing with his right hand, this time stroking softly over the right nipple Luke gasped at how his awareness was open and sensitive. He enjoyed the attention he was giving to the temple that was his body. The body that carried his precious spirit. Repeating om ahdi ommm, he put his hands on belly and breathed calmly.
His hands then traveled down through his pubic hair to penis grasping it at the root with thumb and index and pressing gently. Luke closed his eyes and imagined the picture of his naked body, it was clear and detailed since Luke´s mind was calm from his yoga practice, this was what Christine called yantra, the visual image in mind. After that Luke had repeated the whole ritual with his eyes closed but this time, imagining the hand is Reid´s. Now slowly and sensually Reid´s long and fine fingers were touching Luke´s warm lips, teasing both nipples gently and then clinching the root of Luke´s penis and pressing it.
Although almost nothing was happening, the mental image of Reid´s fingers on his body brought Luke strong exaltation that was visible in his erected cock. The third time Luke repeated the ritual with closed eyes he imagined that hands are his, but he is touching someone else´s body.
Imagining Reid standing in front of him, Luke lightly ran his fingers along Reid´s lips, circled his hardening nipples and took a hold of the root of the penis slowly bringing hands back to his belly.
Feeling relaxed Luke fell asleep with the yantra of Reid hugging him close from behind whispering words of love to his ear and hoping Reid was also performing the rituals everyday so they could do them together soon.
Asana - yoga posture
Ujjayi breathing is a
breath technique typically done in association with
asana practice, also called "ocean breath." It is created by moving the
glottis as air passes in and out. As the throat passage is narrowed so, too, is the airway, the passage of air through which creates a "rushing" sound.
A guru is is one who is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom and authority in a certain area, and who uses it to guide others (teacher).