Good article. I bookmarked you. You have made some good points. I've done some research and found that there are about 10 good questions to ask a gold and silver buyer before selecting them as the one to choose. A couple are:
1. What is their physical address? This my sound no important, but if you send your gold to a PO box and you and the buyer have a disagreement, it may be hard to follow up. Also too they have your precious metal! It is hard to knock on the door of a PO box. There is something about a business having a “physical” location.
2. What’s Their Security Policy to Protect Your Valuables While it’s at Their Facility/Warehouse? Just because there is insurance on the package that arrives, once it is signed off the insurance ends. So it is important to know what procedures they have in place within the company to insure that your gold does not get lost, mixed up, or even stolen. Good gold buyers have solid and strict policies and procedures that their employees must follow.
Comments 1
1. What is their physical address? This my sound no important, but if you send your gold to a PO box and you and the buyer have a disagreement, it may be hard to follow up. Also too they have your precious metal! It is hard to knock on the door of a PO box. There is something about a business having a “physical” location.
2. What’s Their Security Policy to Protect Your Valuables While it’s at Their Facility/Warehouse? Just because there is insurance on the package that arrives, once it is signed off the insurance ends. So it is important to know what procedures they have in place within the company to insure that your gold does not get lost, mixed up, or even stolen. Good gold buyers have solid and strict policies and procedures that their employees must follow.
Check out the rest of the questions here ( ... )
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