[Drop Post]

Jul 16, 2009 17:09

So you're dropping, or perhaps leaving all together. Please follow these steps so we know to remove you from the listing.

You may drop before your cool down period if you've talked to a mod. If you haven't discussed it with us, you will be put on probation.

Remove all communities and players from your friends list.

friend remove afmods
friend remove antea_furor
friend remove furorsubscript
friend remove afthreads
friend remove xsilentnoisex
friend remove dntbaherojohnny
friend remove xking_jeremy
friend remove pratt_william
friend remove boundopaque
friend remove xxinkxjunkiexx
friend remove givethemxbloodx
friend remove gutter_moon
friend remove inkxnxblood
friend remove jacobythespaz
friend remove feypower
friend remove bluetrovert
friend remove mr_wodnesday
friend remove arjunny
friend remove blindxxfaith
friend remove bertmccracken
friend remove taintedarcana
friend remove jonoapollyon
friend remove fuxletz
friend remove foureyessight
friend remove lilin_fair
friend remove onthewingof
friend remove takeawalkbrian
friend remove vinnie_w
friend remove ashestostymest
friend remove vampish_fae
friend remove keyofenenra
friend remove xmaleficium
friend remove xgodsendx
friend remove the_car_queen

Admin Console

Post a comment with the following form.

Character's Name:
Play By:
Is there a reason for you dropping?: [This part is optional, anything you need to say feel free to say it. We want to hear how to make this better for you.]

And that's it, you're done.
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