You are really _____. You should _____. We need to go _____. After that we can _____. Remember that time we _____? That was real _____. Maybe someday we can _____. You are my _____. I _____ you! Signed your _____, _____ P.S. _____.
hmm..ive been feeling a little better but still not myself. I feel like the summer is almost gone and the expectations i set for it have all gone down the drain...i dont have a broke..i dont wanna get a job..i dont want to leave my bed..but when i finally do i dont want to stay at home..i hate my house and most of the crap that goes on, i
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So first off lets recap..i havent been to indepth in my entrys lately and for that im sorry, but noones probably going to read this anyway
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yea went into ny today ,,visited my great grandfather ..hes 94....lets hear it for the guy..then we past by my uncles work..he came out and we talked..he showed me pictures of madaline my new lil cousin
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I was supposed to go job hunting today, but i was in a comatose state..i finally woke up to someone holding a phone to my ear...mallory was on the line asking me why the fuck am i still sleeping...i asked her what time it was and she like what the f#& I told her id job hunt tomorrow she called me a lazy ass..i agreed
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