5x22 Commentary

May 14, 2010 14:08

So, this is long but I really felt the need to work through all of my different thoughts so...here they are! Let me know what you think. :)

Note: Not as angry as last night's tweets! Hehe.

Little note before we start. ‘Carry On My Wayward Son’ - I got a bad feeling as soon as I saw Lisa in it. So...yeah.

Ok, these voiceovers with Chuck and the Impala. I didn’t like them. I’m not a fan of voiceovers generally and they were cheesy and the writing was bad (although I get that was probably the point considering it was Chuck) but more than that, I just think the time could have been spent on more important things. I get that some of what he says becomes relevant later but I’ll get to that. Maybe one problem was that I’ve never really fangirled over the Impala like a lot of people do. When people were getting seriously upset about the fact it might “die” I kind of just rolled my eyes.

I love this conversation between Sam and Dean. Dean recognising that looking out for Sam is not just his job but who he is was so sad whilst being completely satisfying when he says that he shouldn’t do that anymore. Yay, Dean! Also his faith in Sam makes me happy :) Sam taking responsibility for his actions, that’s pretty usual, he’s always been good at that.

Nice shot to show that Dean is still completely freaked out by the demon blood drinking.

Cas snoring!! So cute! And then Dean saying “Aww, ain’t he a little angel.” I loved this moment. I even liked the little downer of “Angel’s don’t sleep” but then I was looking forward to human!Cas.....

So Sam’s final wish is for Dean to leave him in hell and then for Dean to go and live the apple pie life with Lisa. I get why Sam wants this for Dean, I honestly do (well, maybe not the LISA part) but what I don’t get is that Dean actually does it. But again, more on that later...

Bobby and Sam goodbye was very sweet and sad but it didn’t really affect me emotionally. Cas, on the other hand, cracked me up! So awkward trying to lie! Bless! His little face was so funny.

Sam’s ‘transformation’ after drinking the demon blood and how Jared played it made me laugh. Sorry. But, like I said in my tweets, it was like he became the hulk or something!

Love Dean, still snarky even now :) I also absolutely LOVE Mark’s Lucifer. I wasn’t keen the first couple of episodes but, yeah, he’s brilliant.

Dean’s face when Lucifer says he knows about the rings. That, right there, is the definition of “Oh, shit.” LOL Nice use of “I win, then...I win” to call back to The End and Dean’s “Sam, no” was perfectly played by Jensen as was pretty much all of this episode. No matter what I might think of some (or a lot) of things that happen, I will always be impressed with Jensen’s acting. He really is amazing. So much emotion even in the most subtle moments.

So, I didn’t like the way they played Samifer. With the mirror and stuff? Just too clichéd for my liking. I get that they needed some way to show the two of them communicating but I just would have rather done it without the mirror. It would have better shown Jared’s acting if it had ALL been down to his facial and voice performance. Maybe I’m asking too much. Probably. That being said, I think Jared did a really great job of playing Lucifer. He didn’t convince me in The End but I liked him (if that’s the right word) much more this time round. In fact, I find Jared about 100% less irritating playing Lucifer than when he’s playing Sam. The twitchy nose and constant neck thing Jared does for Sam? incredibly annoying!

My friend on twitter pointed out that she thought for a minute that Samifer was going to say “Two sides of the same coin” - Merlin reference FTW LOL! That would have been hilarious. As it is, I was left asking what MEFO means.

“I’m your family” “You were running towards me” Luci said this to Sam and I think this is what Sam’s journey in season 6 will be about. Clearly, he’s really gonna be super evil post hell or something.

“You don’t have to be mean” OH CAS! Again! I just love him so much. Seriously. Which is why the thought that if Cas is in season 6 he will lose this aspect of his personality now he’s angeled up again makes me really really sad. That being said, no Cas, don’t give up! You neither Bobby! Ultimately I guess it will always come down to the fact that it’s Dean who always has to do everything he can to save Sam and the world and the others will just follow him.

Sam and Dean watching the stars? Don’t buy it. At all. That just...does not seem like something they would do. The Wincesters will be happy though at least. It is cheesily romantic. “they were never in fact, homeless” BAD!FIC! LOL

“Well then, I ain’t gonna let him die alone” That’s the part where Dean really got me. Still not actually crying but yeah, I felt some emotion at least.

Lucifer and Michael showdown. Meh. Didn’t love it, didn’t hate it, didn’t really feel anything about it at all. Just not powerful enough for the supposedly big battle. Might be due to the fact that I didn’t like Jake’s acting all that much. Kind of would have liked it to be young!John as Michael. He was awesome. And I have no doubt that it’s hard for Jared to do an intense scene not only playing a different character but opposite an actor who he hasn’t worked with much.

Love Dean driving in playing the music! That was great. And just his comments and attitude are just so...Dean! Perfect little moment that one.

ASSBUTT!!! ASSBUTT!! HAHAHA!! Officially my favourite part of the episode and my new favourite insult!! CAASSS!!! I know I keep repeating myself but I love you! This made me laugh SO much. Plus, great plan! Apart from the bit where you got blown up. Again. If Cas hadn’t come back to life I would have been SO pissed if that was his death. WAY too sudden and quick. If Cas was going to die then I needed it to be a long drawn out emotional thing. Same goes for Bobby (but to a lesser extent because I just don’t care about him as much) Also, Dean needed to look sadder that Cas just died right in front of him :(

Samifer beating up Dean was brutal! His face!! That made me so O_o I could barely even look at him.

“Sam, Sam, it’s ok, it’s ok, I’m here, I’m here, I’m not gonna leave you” LOVED IT. However, it should have been this that made Sam come back because the next part....yeah, not a fan. It’s not that I don’t understand that he sees the car and that represents his and Dean’s relationship, it’s just...horrible montage/clip thingy! Don’t like!!! I think I might be in the majority here though so..hey ho.

Bad!special effects are bad!! That looked awful! And I’m a Merlin fan.. LOL! Also, conveniently pulling Michael in with him..meh! With the slow motion as well? *cringe* Haha! Looks so bad. OMG!

Ok, Cas coming back all angeled up. Being brought back by ‘God’. Not a fan. Too convenient for one. It’s just, oh hey, let me fix everything! Of course, OF COURSE I am happy that Cas is alive and yes I would rather have him like this than not at all because if he was gone for good I would be distraught. But..i was just really looking forward to human!Cas and all the possibilities that would bring. Now he’s got his powers (and more) back, I see no place for him in Season 6 and that makes me really sad.

I liked Dean’s “Cas, you’re alive” And then “Cas, are you God?” made me LOL! As did Cas’s reaction to it, but the rest of Dean and Cas’s interaction? Rubbish really. Especially Cas just going back to heaven after EVERYTHING just like that. No goodbye, not even any hesitation. So God helped, but what about the fact that he let this happen in the first place? What about all the rebelling and TWO SEASONS WORTH OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?!?! It’s like, in that one moment, he went back to beginning of season 4 Cas (almost, there were still smiles and some things in his demeanour that mean I haven’t entirely given up hope but still..) Just no!! It’s not believable and more importantly, I just don’t want that to happen!!! My Dean/Cas heart is really sad that there was no real interaction between them, let alone a goodbye. I guess Cas did make a good point about Dean getting what he asked for though... And inevitably I still totally love him.

Sophie LOVES Cas 4eva! LOL!

Please be back in season 6 even if I don’t know how it will work.

“This is the last Dean and Bobby will see of each other in a very long time” HUH? Just, what even is this? What does it mean? I don’t even really have anything to say because I don’t understand it. So Bobby’s definitely not in season 6 then? Why wouldn’t Dean still visit Bobby even if he is off with Lisa?

Lisa. Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. NO! DO NOT WANT. He slept with her. She was bendy. Great. He sees them as representing a normal life. A family. Fine, I suppose. But really, it’s just way too out of left field. I get that he was following through with Sam’s wishes and stuff but that’s another thing. I don’t believe he would do that. No matter what he promised, I think he wouldn’t be able to help trying to get Sam out. The voiceover says Dean either wants to die or bring Sam back, yes I agree. I just don’t believe that he wouldn’t do so, even if I suppose it shows them finally breaking the cycle of self-sacrifice....i just really didn’t like it.

Also, LOL, what kind of woman would really just let Dean in like that and be like “OHAI fine, you want me to be your what, 'wife' type figure? Well, alrighty! You hunt monsters and you’re clearly messed up and unhappy but sure come on in. It’s clear that it’s not really me you love but only the idea of me, but hey, maybe we can have more bendy sex!” FML

Another montage! NOOOO! LOL

Chuck as God. Pretty much the worst thing about this episode. Even worse than all the Lisa crap. Seriously, Kripke? Could you get much more egotistical or self-indulgent? Let’s face facts, Kripke pretty much made himself God and just yeah...what a douche! Even putting that aside, we’re supposed to believe that GOD is a drunken guy who sleeps with whores and fangirls? And not just that but that Chuck has been God all along? Ever since his first episode when he supposedly didn’t even know what he was writing or that he was a prophet and everything after, with the conventions and his heroic moment with the ghost and his stories about his past..and everything? NO! Do not buy it. Do not want to buy it. It’s absolutely ridiculous and makes no sense. There’s Retcon and then there’s tacking something onto the end because it’s convenient and it boosts the creator’s ego. Made me really, really mad. It also meant that I had to put up with those horrible voiceovers. Oh, and Kripke finishing with some BS about “endings are hard” and “the fans are always gonna bitch”? Not gonna stop me bitching about something as crap as this. So STFU really.

However, I actually really like the end and the mystery of Sam coming back. Colour me intrigued. My guess, slightly demonic Sam.

ETA: Holy typos batman! I keep noticing them! I'm sure there are still loads that i've missed as well

commentary, 5x22, supernatural

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