I've never been so glad to have had a large object in my crotch...

Aug 19, 2004 18:02

Incubus was last night, and let me tell you, it was rawkin. Other than the crowd kinda sucking because people are stupid, I had an awesome time. I bet you're wondering what my little title is all about. Well, you see, cameras weren't allowed at the show. Stupid big venue shows and their no camera policies suck. Well, I stuffed my camera in my ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

shuckiduck August 20 2004, 01:41:34 UTC
daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn brandon got all ghetto, at least judging by the second picture. what happened? the one i took of him last year, he looked all dapper in his vest.


afoxygoddess August 20 2004, 01:54:16 UTC
All ghetto? Why? B/c he's just wearing a ripped t-shirt and pants?


iheartskanking August 20 2004, 08:14:05 UTC
no because he's a crystal meth addict


afoxygoddess August 20 2004, 08:48:52 UTC
Ah, okay. That explains it all. Hah


i_wont_tell August 20 2004, 16:25:38 UTC
what celebrity did you see?


afoxygoddess August 20 2004, 21:33:43 UTC
Giovanni Ribisi


skankinfeind August 20 2004, 19:29:24 UTC
lj friends again?


afoxygoddess August 20 2004, 21:34:11 UTC
Sure. Why not?


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