on the cheek. on the lips. on their hands or fingers. in my room. in their room. of the same sex. of the opposite sex. younger than me. older than me. with jet black hair. with curly hair. with blonde hair & blue eyes. with flaming red hair. with straight hair. smaller/shorter than me. bigger/taller than me. with a lip ring. I
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I don't seem to update this on a regular basis. The good news is that my happy streak seems to be sticking with me at the moment. I mean, there have been down points, but more good than bad lately. Friends are cool, family is okay for the most part, school sucks but it's almost over, and I'm doin' alright in the guy department. Now, this will
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*Weekend Highlights*~ DownTown Disney to see sL and some old friends. Ran into Sasha, Chante, Travis, Nomi, Kyle, Jeff, Michelle, Krystal, Litza, Nic, Jerrell, Dizzy, Luis, and some others that I know I'm leaving out
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So I was thinking it may be time for a bit of an update on here. One where I actually say more than a line, or a quiz, or a tribute. On the other hand, it's been so long since I've updated that I refuse to include anything that happened before this week
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