Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Does
yer_dum do drugs? no?
2) Is
gracesavedme in a relationship? heck yes she is
3) Do you think
foreveremostar is hot? I know him tii well to think that
4) Is
singinwonder1 your best friend? no
5) Would
robotictakedown be a better ninja or pirate? a pirate...because pirates are better
6) What would you do if you found out
hizonerthemayor has a crush on you? cry
7) Where would
elros_linwelin most like to visit? alaska....because i said so
8) Would you make out with
9) One quality you find attractive in
foreveremostar? I don't really find any of his "qualities" attractive
foreveremostar's eye color? brown
11) How would
hizonerthemayor kill
lovedbytheone? by telling her the symptoms of lots of different diseases and making her convince herself that she had them and then because of all of the psychological stress she would die
12) What word best describes
just1boy? loud?
13) Where was
hardcorestud born? Florida?
14) What color should
rustykid dye their hair? green
15) What would
simadahna85 do differently in your shoes? go to a club
16) What song/movie would you recommend to
chosenpoet? some will seek forgiveness others escape by underoath
17) Would you ever date
rustykid? sure...why not
18) Has
rustykid been to your house/dorm? nope
19) Is
punkerdoodle popular? heck yes she is
20) If
elros_linwelin and
obviouslylame were spliced together, what would be its name? obviously_linwelin
21) What exotic animal would
besnitchy like as a pet? Steve Burns
22) Would
hardcorestud go out with
_clapitup? only because _clapitup is the coolest kid out there
23) What is
sarcastastic allergic to? stupid people?
24) If
obviouslylame had a superpower, what would it be? the power to fly
25) Is
punkerdoodle single? yes
26) How many monkeys could
ghiouh fight at once and win against? 5
27) Are
hacksawbebo and
just1boy married?
28) Do
lovedbytheone and
rustykid go to the same school? nope
29) Has
chosenpoet dyed their hair? probably
30) Does
rustykid travel a lot? Sure...why not