I am glad to see you are a Eliot Smith fan, too bad he stabed him self in the heart (thought I supose if your going to become framous for being the really depressed guy you've got to do it right) and I also hear you enjoy the Decemberists, one of my most favorite bands in the world. you should cover the decemberist song "lesley anne Laven" it's amazing! or maybe something by her space holiday they're an amazing band and they do amazing stuff with strings, if you dont know them you should. alright well must run, I had a great time hanging out with you at the OG the other night, and I hope matt gave you your money cause I gave it to him. ok now that this is officaly the longest comment ever I'm gonna go. love you bye.
Comments 4
I miss you, Andrew, and everyone else. Isn't it a different world out here? It's bizarre.
Now I'm singing it you bitch. Guess what I did? I googled for Mission Valley Elementary. LOL good times.
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