Trans 9 App

Mar 14, 2010 22:33

Your name: Pixle
Your LJ:
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Your AIM, MSN, or Yahoo handle: Slr Fireruby

Character's name: Lash
Character's LJ: http:/
Character's canon: Advance Wars
Brief (around 300 words) personality outline of your character:

Batshit insane, in a cute, odd way, Lash has little concern for moral or virtues. She's the goddamn queen of the universe and decides to do what she wants when she wants, and no one can stop her when her mind is set on something (so she might need to be watched for the first few days). This is easily explained; she was raised without being punished for harming others, only learning to be tolerable towards 'friends' when she fought with Orange Star.

While she's mostly not an evil person anymore, Lash lives for war; it's in her blood and how she was raised, her motivation to get up each morning. Saving the universe allows her to fight, it works enough for her. She still doesn't understand fully what is happening, but like a junkie always looking for the next best hit, she is always looking at making someone's base explode if that's what Stacy wants (please say yes Stacy). Lash is somewhat polite to her enemies, preferring to introduce herself before things start blowing up, but will retaliate any witty banter sent her way with five-year old name calling. Even friends aren't safe, she has pet names for ~*everyone*~. At times her old personality likes to reappear, and the rush of killing might cause her to act a little different than normal. It's a strange sight to see, her ruthless personality is married with an almost child-like innocence.

Her over-confidence sometimes causes her to underestimate others; after all, she's the wunderkind genius, her chess pieces are already set and there's no way she could lose. She might tantalize with a few facts about what she's planning before fighting - and that information might lead to her own downfall. She takes a loss like a game. There's a next time, and if she finds that a battle isn't in her favor, she might desert early, leaving her own allies to fend for themselves. Granted the situation is much more different now, but she still remains a sour loser and will pout and whine before leaving. See how her foes like that.

It's somewhat amazing that things others take for granted are alien for her. Concepts like proper table manners and being polite and friendship are not part of her daily routine. Living a secluded life dedicated to war in Black Hole did have huge drawbacks, especially when it comes to socialization. Lash is less-than modest, enjoying reminding others how HER inventions were doing so much to aid the war efforts. Oh, and if you ask her to build something, don't be surprised if she decides to add a few “options” to it, such as death rays or self-exploding sequences (all objects need them! Stop being a party pooper and let her do it!)

Her childish antics and somewhat crazy dual nature have caused others to underestimate her, but don't be fooled, Lash is no pushover. She's been trained in self-combat, created most of what was the then current war machines of Black Hole and served a commanding officer. That's a pretty hefty portfolio for a young adult who's only seventeen. To one who can understand her, tolerates her and who she respects, Lash will be more than happy to serve behind you (especially if you remind her of old Leader, Hawke). Being raised since birth for war, there is a deep resonating respect for her leaders, even if she might act otherwise. Sure she'll still pout and call you a meanie head, but she'll do it. You can trust Lash to never attempt to take over, staying behind the lines, serving whoever ends up in power.

For someone who likes to think about ways to kill things so often, she has a very positive outlook on life. Lash rarely wakes up feeling depressed, and she's always smiling and joyful, even her bounts of pouting sound somewhat joyful. It is all about movement vs boredom. There needs to be action for her to be happy. Sitting twiddling her thumbs is incredibly boring, she has to work on something or see the effects of them.

Part of Lash does feel lonely and longs for being in Black Hold before the third great war. In the end she deserted both armies, latching on the ship and saving the universe for a purpose in life. If any other Commanding Officers were to show up, she would probably want to talk to them, even if they end up in another warring nation. She's homesick, in her own way.

Woe to those near her when Lash utters “I'm soooo bored!” Run. And never look back.

Brief (around 500 words) history and background of your character OR link to a really good wiki page with their history. In either case, explain where they cut off from the timeline:

Unfortunately the games do not explore her background. Even the Advance Wars wiki with her page has barely any information, much less her history ( I'm going to take as much information as I can from the game and try to fill in the blanks.

Born to two soldiers, Lash's life was already predestined to be one of servitude to the great Black Hole War Leaders. Not that she really minded, of course, since the other choice was death. At a young age, she built her first war tank (on her own!) and it was the start of a brilliant carrier in the ranks of Black Hole. She was moved to the nuclear science division of the army, her parents hoping to shape her into the greatest, youngest scientific genius ever. She never saw them again. Life in a continent that was in a constant state of war, preparing to declare war or causing events so other continents fought each other made it so that you didn't really get attached to your family. Lash lived most of her childhood in the laboratories of the Black Hole Army, building various gadgets and dangerous weapons that were most certainly used to kill a lot of people. She, on the other hand, loved to build things, treating fellow scientist and war efforts like a beautiful game of chess. The childlike attitude never left her, for better or worse.

Unfortunately, she learned very little about how to live her daily life, caring little for things like eating right and proper manners. She ate with her hands and mostly lived on whatever food that was brought to her. All that was important to her was building and inventing. A few years later, after the disappointing defeat of Clone Andy by Orange Star, the previous Science Commanding Officer was shoot down ever so violently. Lash was promoted by the current leader of Black Hole Sturm himself, which she accepted with much glee since she'd now get to see her weapons do damage FIRST HAND. Lash was fifteen.

She was a rather ruthless Commanding Officer, not caring if her army was killed in the crossfire. Much like in the science labs, she treated her units and soldiers like useless toys, calling them “expendable”, and the poor soldiers had to follow along or else. Many considered it a curse to be placed under her, as she barely listened to anyone's advice. The only people who could really calm her down or put her in her place were Sturm and the three other Commanding Officers, Hawke, Sturm's second-in-command who Lash respected a great deal, Adder the snaky CO who she found weird and Flak, a soldier Hawke had appointed as a new CO. Lash treated him as her guinea pig for her experiments, much to his woe.

For a while that really went well, and Lash began to take over Yellow Comet, but then the other nations started allying themselves to each other (those cheaters!) and she found herself fighting Sonja, daughter of Yellow Comet's emperor. Lash respected her fellow strategist, but soon turned bitter when the later won all their battles. Eventually she was forced to retreat back home, where the allied nations defeated them completely. The situation turned grim as Sturm turned desperate and threatened to kill everyone, friend and foes alike. Hawke stepped up and used the opportunity to kill him, saving everyone and ending the war. Lash chose to follow him, as he promised to rebuild Black Hole. She found the idea fun.

The four of them worked on rebuilding all they had lost. Then the Bolt Guard showed up, saying they worked for the new leader of Black Hole named Von Bolt. Hawke became a CO under them, and Adder and Flak mysteriously disappeared. Lash continued to follow, although she openly hated the head of the Bolt Guard, Kindle. They kept her as a Commanding Officer because of her brains, and she continued to make weapons for them, considering Black Hole to be Black Hole one way or another. She'd been raised all her life in it, there was not much more she could do. Hawke, however, felt that the war effort was too drastic, even for their power-hungry nation.

He grew a little too curious about who their new mysterious leader was and found out the truth (they were using the Black Hole army to destroy the entire world so he could achieve immortality, SAY IT ISN'T SO), chased out by Von Bolt and slime-like creatures called Oozium 238, which could kill them easily. Lash was grabbed as an afterthought to save his skin and use as a meatshield if needed (although she would later admit she followed him anyway because 'she does what she wants') and they would have been terminated if not for the Allied Forces saving them under one of the new leaders named Jake.

The desperate COs struck a deal and both Hawke and Lash joined them begrudgingly, helping to end Von Bolt's reign. A very epic final battle later (in which Lash was more than happy to insult Kindle as much as she could), Jake was faced with either killing Von Bolt or letting him live. The CO chose to shoot his life support system instead, dooming the man to live the rest of his life sweeping the streets. However, the leader of Black Hole would not let himself be defeated in this matter and activated a self-destruct sequence that would kill them all. Hawke volunteered to stay behind himself, and the others left the building as it collapsed. The Allied Nations celebrated their victory, Lash admitting she was happy to have helped.

Peace returned to the land, and she realized that despite being a huge asset in the final days of the war, there would be those who would cry out for her head soon. Hawke was presumed dead and she had no more connections to anyone. Black Hole was in shambles and she wasn't powerful enough to revive it herself. Knowing she was going to end up locked in a tower somewhere in Orange Star, she decided to bale at the most opportunistic moment and try to carve a new life for herself.

Suddenly there was a light, and then she was naked, covered in alien snot everywhere.

Timeline: She is taken right after the events of Advance Wars : Dual Strike.

Sample post (just a general, everyday, puttering-around-the-ship post; please include a snippet of dialogue):

Her world lost. You'd think she'd have taken it badly, but the ex-commanding officer had only shrugged and taken it in stride. There was no point in dwelling on things lost, anyway. There wasn't much she cared for that was still alive in Cosmoland. She was destined for much greater things that required her brilliant mind. Lash could most certainly accepted that, considering her genius.

Besides, her world didn't come with these super sparkly new suits and gadgets. The strange pulsing suit was almost hypnotic and Lash already wanted to try and copy the technology, if only they'd let her start working on things around here. If she could use this in her own world why...nah it wasn't the time to think like that. There was more pressing matters to attend. Such as...

“Who should I bother today?”

Her tiny feet echoed in the corridors, as she laughed and poked at Stacy's walls, hoping to get a reaction.

“I wonder what would happen if I stick a knife in it? Tee hee hee, that would be a riot. Is it programmed to feel pain too?”

A macabre thought, but it was Lash after all. How amusing this grand adventure was. All these strange people in the ship, creatures with the ability to speak and robots that made Jugger comparable to an old typewriter. Ripped from a boring, peaceful world to here was almost a dream come true. If she could somehow return home and save the universe, how much gloating could she do? Would they believe her? Either way, this was going to be so much fun. Hopefully this place would never, ever be boring.

Her only thought as she continued hopping away was why didn't they wake me up earlier than this? I could have helped end this much earlier! Clearly they would all need to see her genius first-hand to understand it, then.

If the character has magic, mutant, or otherwise metahuman abilities, please explain what they are and outline EXACTLY how they function, as their powers may not work due to the nature of the ship or may need to be limited somehow:

Terrain | Terrain Prime Tactics
No one really knows how Cosmo Land's Commanding Officers get their powers, or if they are picked because they do, but they provide otherworldly skills to those who would follow under them. Those serving, in the same unit or bound with Lash will find most terrain favorable to them - even mountains seem like no trouble to climb if she's close to you. The minute you leave her unit, or she stops using her powers, you'll be forced to face the grim reality once again.

This is made even more deadly when she activates her powers in strike mode. These require a few days to charge between each usage or for her allies to be wounded, so she uses them only when the time is right.

The normal version is called Terrain Tactics and not only allow easy movement, but gives anyone “attached” to her additional attack and defence power.

The more powerful version is called Prime Tactics and gives an even bigger attack and defense boosts.

Non-superhuman special abilities of note (Is your character a master ventriloquist? A naturally-occurring super-genius? The best martial artist in the world? Say so here):

As described by the games themselves, Lash is called "the wunderkind of the Black Hole forces," having developed the majority of the weapons used by Sturm and the COs under his command (

Her mind is always thinking about building, changing, improving. Don't be surprised if she pulls out odd inventions to help herself in times of dire need (everything would be passed for mod approval first).

There is no greater joy to her than creating weapons of mass destruction. Her mind makes connections that others would never notice. Things that require thirty days to repair might need only twenty days if she's in charge, for example.

Here is a list of units she has built | invented during her years at Black Hole to give you a good idea of her skills: most of these minus the stealth bomber and the megatank are her inventions. She also has profound knowledge on humanoid cloning (as evidenced in the games where a few COS are cloned by Black Hole and she knows exactly what they do), should the need arise. You'd need an energy source that can power an entire town first, however.

She is also proficient in self-defence and gun usage.
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