Lash's Medical Record

Jul 19, 2011 16:13

PATIENT MEDICAL HISTORY Name: Lash Age: 18.5 years Sex: Female Height: 157.5cm (165.1 cm with afro) Weight: 53.4kg (including afro) [•] Magical by nature/practices magic CO Powers. [ ] Can't have magic used on. [ ] Contagious (see notes). Homo neandesapien Average Lifespan: 40 (Black Hole Average Lifespan) Rate of Maturity: Never as far as I'm concerned 18 Average age of Puberty: 10
Normal Diet: Field Rations Square main-course foil cans, cans of stewed beef or pork, cans of "meat spread" (I never was sure what they put in there), crackers. Instant fruit juice, packages of instant coffee (only because Hawke asked for it), sugar, multivitamin & supplement tablets. Soup concentrate, dry milk and water purifier tablets cause sometimes the water we drank was dity and filled with dead bodies.

Common Ailments: NOPE!

Specific Notes: Headaches can happen when I overuse my CO Powers. I don't like being in the medical wing however, really I can just rest in the Zetta's place Outsider's hotel and it will be fine, tee hee!
GENERAL HEALTH All of the following sense-related questions are to be answered in comparison to an average Homo sapiens. Ask your medical provider for assistance in answering this section.
Blood Pressure: [ ] Average | [•] Low | [ ] High Vision: [•] Fine | [ ] Near Sighted | [ ] Far Sighted | [ ] Enhanced If Enhanced, further explain: It's just better than the average dumb human, that's all!
Hearing: [ ] Deaf | [ ] Low | [•] Average | [ ] High Range | [ ] Low Range | [ ] Extremely Sensitive If necessary, further explain: I'm really good at hearing and knowing what type of explosives are used in an explosion!
Smell: [ ] Cannot Smell | [ ] Low | [•] Average | [ ] High | [ ] Extremely Sensitive If Extremely Sensitive, further explain:
Known Allergies:Pffft allergies.

Are there any potential complications with healing processes we should be aware of when treating you?: Nope!

Do you have a healing factor different from the average for your species? If so, explain how here: There's the ranger enhanced healing when I'm in my suit, and oh I guess there's a sorta healing thing thanks to my CO powers but that works passively and requires other people to be harmed so.

Have you recently been screened for species, sex, and age specific cancer risks?: Nope!

Special notes on care: Don't use needles on my left arm.

Record of Past Injuries: Face slammed in when that dumb Zero person was around, broken arm during the last zord battle, massive headaches during a couple of them uhhh, the usual cuts and bruises and blooding stuff that you get from fighting wars.

Ship Health Records: Currently has a clean bill of on-ship health. Headaches reoccurring when powers are overused. Reports of a broken arm, smashed in head at one time. No massive major injuries reported.

Psychological note: Patient has been known to disappear when she gets tired of staying in the hospital, will also fight back if attempts are made to use a needle on her left arm.

Additional note: If possible, try to cover the hair (wet first then cover with a cap) to aid during operations.
SEXUAL HEALTH Have you ever been sexually active?: ಠ_ಠ
Are you currently Sexually Active: ಠ_ಠ
Have you recently been screened for STIs?: ಠ_ಠ
Species specific sexually related health notes and/or issues: ಠ_ಠ I AM PERFECTLY HEALTHY YOU DUMB, STUPID REPORT.
Reproductive Health (skip if N/A) Date of Last Menses/Estrus/Equiv (skip if n/a): On the ship
Number of pregnancies: NONE
Number of pregnancies carried to term: WHAT!
Age of first birth/hatching/etc. (if applicable): NO!
Total number of births/hatching/etc.: THIS IS SOO DUMB!
DRUGS AND MEDICATION Are you or should you be on any prescribed medication? If so, list below: Do I look like a druggie to you.

Have you taken any recreational or non-prescribed drugs or substances in the past? Is so, please list them and their frequency of use below: Hahaha what yes good idea. Like I'd go run armies and build giant death fighting machines while intoxicated you idiot.

Do you currently take any recreational or non-prescribed drugs or substances? Is so, please list them and their frequency of use below: One time I tried some in that weird party van with a few other people but that's it okay? I haven't done any after that so there.

ooc medival records

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