How can it be that someone can do something so small that makes you so pissed off? ? . . . . . Then they have the nerve to ask you why, you are mad! It is just so nerve racking, then they call you and try to make up Then you spend 30 minutes, goign back and forth on the phone AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!
Ok, here it is. I am having surgury again Tuesday Sept. 20 12:45pm arrive at the hostipal 1-1:45pm fill-out paperwork 1:45-2:10pm gett drugged up by the hospital 2:15pm Have the surgury done with the Doctor 3-5pm rest in the waiting room aftersurgury 5pm go home and rest until fully healed
Hey all you groupies!! (not to sure who that would be anyways?)
I need some info from my fellow companions in Bart's Game. He wants us to have a date set for him, when he returns from mexico to game again. So get at me, or stop by. I have no again since I lost my finger. PEACE