Please be sure you are prepared for the application deadline, prior to requesting a reserve. The first reserve is your guarantee hold anything after that time makes the character available to anyone with consideration for your application first.
Character reserves are for ten (10) days. You may request an extension but anyone interested in the character you reserved may present an application in challenge to your application. A reserve will put the character on hold long enough for you to submit an application - this is not a guarantee you have the role. Extensions are (5) days, anything further please PM Mod.
Email your complete application to: You must paste the application in the text window of your email. I will not accept links, or document attachments. Please do not post on Lj and send me a link to the journal.
Note: All characters must be at least 18 years old or older. Keep in mind if they have careers or special training account for that in biography, and calculate age to represent.
Use the form below for your character reserve.
Copy the text in the box and paste it with your comment.
Player Name:Email / AIM:Naruto Character Name:AvailabilityReason you want to apply for this character: Once application is complete, reply to your reserve post with confirmation application has been emailed. Do not post application in this thread!