Copy and paste this application in your word processing program.
- Email Address:
- IM account AIM/ MSN (required):
- Are you 18+:
- How did you hear about this community:
- PB for your character:
name of person ((100x100 image will be used on taken character list so choose carefully))
- Age
- Gender
- Height/ Weight:
- Hair/ Eye color:
- Character's sexuality:
- Character's ethnicity or complexion(optional):
- Likes / Dislikes
- Career Before Outbreak
Character Personality (At least 200 words. This will work to show how much you understand the fandom character as well how you will role-play this person. For example if your character is shy and soft spoke, then s/he wouldn't usually be the most eccentric person. Be certain to avoid plot faux pas when you are developing your character's bio. Although I love authors to have plenty of room to create their character, you must still represent accurate characterization, please keep this in mind. )
Character Background (At least 300 words. This should explain how your character ends up in his / her in game situation. Be certain that special training or skills are explored in this area.)
Why you want to RP “X” character (This is where you have your say - why you want to RP this character in this role-play community. I want players in this community that want to be here. So please humor me and tell me some things about yourself.
Sample Third Person RP
(Short or long as long as you represent your characters personality for this role-play))
Note: All characters must be at least 18 years old or older. Keep in mind if they have careers or special training account for that in biography, and calculate age to represent.