This is so genuinely disturbing it makes me upset.
Click to view
I'm not one of those folk that rams vegetarianism down people's throats all the time. In fact, I don't have a problem with people eating meat. I personally choose not to for many reasons, one of which is illustrated by the embedded video above. But I hope that if you do eat pigs and cows and chickens and sheep and whatever else, that you consider where it's coming from.
Do you think any animal should live a life that horrible? I don't care what beast we're talking about here - as people with intelligence and the power of choice we should not treat any lesser animal than ourselves with such ignorance and cruelty. Pigs especially, as they are really rather clever animals.
Next time you tuck into a bacon roll, try to make sure your meat is coming from a responsible farmer. I'm not trying to preach, I just think it's important that folk know what can actually happen before that rasher ends up in your sandwich.
Okay, rant over. Continue.