Title: Cotton Candy
Theme: #8, Pink
edenbound (ficjournal)
Word count: 100
Theme Set: #4
Disclaimer: The characters don't belong to me, sadly.
Summary: Yuffie thinks Aerith is pretty in pink.
Notes: First game canon only. Please don't comment with spoilers for KHII or spoiler icons. ♥
Aerith manages to look good wearing pink.
It's something Yuffie envies a little, because, well, she looks kinda stupid wearing pink. It'd be nice to be able to wear candy-pink clothes once in a while, if only because it might make her feel yummy like cotton candy.
Yuffie dislikes being just really fairly ordinary. She might be called pretty or cute at a pinch, she supposes, but she's not pretty and cute like Aerith is.
And if people don't think Aerith is pretty and cute, well, they have problems with their eyes. Because Aerith wears pink in the prettiest cutest way ever.