[Translation] Jesse R's blog 2017.02.03

Feb 04, 2017 15:55


It's Jesse~~

As it's getting dry these days, if you don't apply lotion right after taking a shower, your body can get itchy~! I hope it gets warm quickly..

Last month, there was the coming of age ceremony, of course I couldn't go because I had butai going on, however, after that, I was able to go to our class reunion. Our teacher who helped us also showed up, I missed them a lot~ Each and everyone of them has become an adult, it was really fun!

Also, in the final day of my first 2-month-long butai which started in December last year and ended successfully, it was dry.. ah, no noo.. I finished the marathon~~!!!! ZUDON!! PPi!

This time, I only have "all star" to tell you about, there were of course many performers. Also for the wonderful special surprise guests, lots of senpais have performed but, we also talked together, and went out to eat rice together. Those 2 months were really productive~~!

tv variety: r no housoku, member: jesse, translation: r's blog

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