Out of touch

Mar 08, 2010 14:11

Instead of just taking kota's idea and going out of touch for the weekend, I accidentally expanded it to a week. XD Playing catchup today.

So since Destrie and I can't make it to the rescheduled invasion of Crying Heavens next week, we visited Ft. Myers yesterday, had a good time, remembered sunscreen, talked, watched fighting, etc. etc. Good news is, a lot of covers and pommels. Some people really interested in flatblades, and one of their guys, who's name we forgot again >.< has made some really really nice weapons. Also of a good note, Teddy was throwing weapons off the field. Wether that was because we were there or not, not sure, but a good sign at least that no one seemed to throw a huge fit about it. Bad news, though they're doing some flatblades, they're trying to be too flat (not thick enough, pointy edges), and still some seriously scary weapons, though as mentioned, they were throwing weapons off the field, except for the 'toothbrush' weapon which Destrie and I are pretty sure has a thin pvc core (maaaybe bamboo?) as it wobbled mightily when the handle was wiggled in any moderation.

Got back late, had to stop for coffee along the way, gps is a sob that led us to 2 starbucks about 7 miles off the interestate that were inside a mall (which were obviously closed at 8pm) in Port Charlotte. We ended up stopping in Venice. Barrista there gave us a taste of Salted Carmel (or the only way to make it now), which is the chocolate espresso truffle with toffee nut in it. Pretty awesome, I might go see if they have it, along with the new size, vento or some shit. Apparently Tampa is the test city for the size.

Found a new foodblog (cause I need more to read? Ahh well, I save them up and read many entries at once) Edible Joy.
I sometimes forget how expensive it is to move, let alone move cross country. >_< Part of this morning/afternoon was emailing my financial aid officer to see wtf was going on (hadn't heard anything since I gave her my FAFSA a month ago), and looking to see the prices on cars/SUVs to rent for a trip. *sigh* Round about a grand at least. Not counting gas, food, sleeping. And if I go alone/quasi-alone my mom said it might be nice to stop in Montana to visit my aunt. Meh... we'll see.

food, moving, amtgard, coffee

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