Aug 27, 2011 23:38

Welcome to the Long Challenge Three. This time I (sophielou21) will be hosting the challenge, as my lovely co-mods ella_rose88 hosted LC1 and mustbethursday3 hosted LC2. So it's my turn! ♥

The challenge will follow the traditional Long Challenge format, including the sign-up clause. This is one of the two following options:

Option A) You don't Sign-up, so your Submission Deadline is the 28th of September 23:59 (DST/BST).


Option B) You Sign-up below, by posting [INSERT YOUR USERNAME] is up for the Challenge! in your comment, and your Submission Deadline will be extended to the 1st of October 23:59 (DST/BST) as a reward. This gives you an extra THREE DAYS to complete your fics in. Sign-up closed!

From now (28th August 2011) you will have four days to sign-up, until 31st August 2011 @ 23:59 (DST/BST). If you forget or opt not to sign-up there will be no extention for you. It's your choice.



For this challenge there are TWO sets of themes rather than just one. You are expected to use at least ONE theme from each list. This means you will use two themes overall (e.g. Elements and Beach). Here are the themes:

Monty Python || Last Time || Jammy Dodgers || Elements || Secrets

Professor || Newly-wed || Nurse || Being Human || Beach

If you have having trouble finding inspiration I have complied a PROMPT LIST for you all to have a look at. Of course, you don't have to use the prompt list, it's just to help you get your creative juices going. :)



- You can enter up to TWO fics for this challenge.

- You must use at least ONE theme from List A and ONE theme from List B, somehow (/anyhow) in your entry/s. This means you will use at least TWO themes overall.

- Arthur and Gwen must be main characters.

- You do not have to write A/G romantically; pre-A/G flirting or friendship is lovely too.

- You must write more than 800 words. That's the minimum word limit per fic. There is no maximum.

- You can write in Canon, AU or Crossover. (Any World/Setting is fine)

- You may not enter any fic which has been posted before. This also means you cannot borrow any line, and/or paragraph - from anything you've already posted. All entries must be new work.

- You don't have to be a Member, but we recommend that you 'Watch' for Updates/Notices.

- You must wait until the Winners are announced on the Reveal post before you repost your entry elsewhere. All entries will remain anonymous until then.



Send your entries to a_g_fanfic@hotmail.com with the fic as an attachment in .Doc or .Docx format.

Please include all the HTML tags (your italics for example - very important) that show your fic off at its best, because we don't have time to do it for you.

Remember to give your fic a once through before you send it because if there is a mistake you want changing, we won't have time to do it for you once the writing period ends.

Put the following as your subject heading: 'LC3, Entry 1'.

(If you choose to enter 2 fics, the second's subject should be: 'LC3, Entry 2')

Put the following (filled out) in the 'message' part of your email -

Theme word/s:
Author's Username:
Word count:

And put the following (filled out) before your fic in the actual document -

Theme word/s:
Word count:
Warnings: *Optional*
Author’s notes: *Optional*



** Sign-up Begins: 28th of August **
Sign-up Closes: 31th of August 23:59
Submission Deadline for people who don't Sign-up: 28th of September 23:59
Submission Deadline for people who do Sign-up: 1st of October 23:59



- Questions are welcome as always.

- Early entries are like gold, if you finish quick - in a burst of inspiration, and it's perfect - send it in and surprise us!

- Please note: ag_fics is NOT accepting any fics that include spoilers for anything past the S3 finale. Speculation is fine - and the more crazy or head-canon, the better (lol!) - just no actual spoilers. Any fics containing any spoilers for the show past 3x13 will not be accepted.

- You can start immediately on your fic, you don't have to wait for Sign Up to end.

- As already mentioned THE PROMPT LIST is only there to help you if you need that extra push or some inspiration. You can ignore it if you know what you want to write.

- Feel free to use any fic you've started and never posted as a starting point for your entry to this Challenge. We are none the wise, lol! ;)


Join/Watch the community to look out for the weekly Problems and Q&A post every Sunday.

If you wish to find an Alpha/Beta for your entry, leave comment HERE.

If you have any problems/questions, just post them below.


/theme: newly-wed, /theme: beach, /theme: elements, /theme: monty python, /theme: jammy dodgers, /theme: nurse, /theme: being human, /theme: last time, +mod: sophielou21, ~2011 challenge: long challenge, /theme: secrets, /theme: professor

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