Sign Up - AFG Does a Fic Battle 2.0 - only fun people may apply (1 place left)

Feb 16, 2013 10:51

Okay, I need to get this up ASAP, because I want to close the Sign Up Wednesday-ish - so we can get this thing going \o/

Rules and such will be added here, also probably a calendar... and- well, you guys know what I'm like. Just things with colour and numbers and italics that will hopefully make everything clear.

EDIT: Go here for the things you need to know (aka the Guidelines).

But for right now, just because I want to get this up now and because I'm too 'It's Saturday, how is it Saturday?...and I have to leave the house. It's going to be hot today, that's not very Saturday...are we sure it's not Friday in disguise?' to actually focus on typing and thinking (which tends to be necessary for the disclosure of the Challenge Rules and Timings and everything unfortunately) this post is a WIP...coz I can do that XD

So Sign Up begins now and ends when either, we reach thirteen (13) signer uppers. That's as many players as I can handle, I'm sorry, but that's the cut off point. If we do teams of three (four is too much, two is too little) - I feel like 5 teams (if Millie and I play) is more than enough to keep track of. Think about it. FIVE TEAMS...wowzer. Or we reach Wednesday night (my time).

(And based on the 'Anyone interested?' post, I've already drafted how I'm going to team you all up. They're evenly matched teams long as the same people come and sign up.)

**Sign UP Form**

To Sign Up, Copy and Paste the below form into a comment to this entry -

+ Username/Nickname:
+ Maximum Rating (G - NC17):
+ For the good of the team I will:
+ My settings allow non-friends to PM me (Yes/No):
+ Genres (underline all you're happy to write): Angst, Fluff, AU, Crossover, Smut, Humor, Gen.
+ Crossovers/AUs I'll try:
+ Ideas I'd love to be prompted with
+ Lastly, I won't write these topics/characters:

+ Username/Nickname: Mustbethursday3/Thursday
+ Maximum Rating (G - NC17): PG13 (unless struck by musey smutty lightening)
+ For the good of the team I will: Write. Prompt. Say random things. Try and be positive in the darkest hours.
+ My settings allow non-friends to PM me (Yes/No): Yes.
+ Genres (underline all you're happy to write): Angst, Fluff, AU, Crossover, Smut, Humor, Gen.
+ Crossovers/AUs I'll try: Doctor Who!Merlin (it worked for me last time), Revolution!Merlin (would be interesting), basically anything Spacey or Modern AU-y, or to do with Crime or Drama.
+ Ideas I'd love to be prompted with...Morgana as someone of import, Girls being more important than boys, CRACK, Leon (just in general), I LOVE GWEN (can't be said enough) and I love Gwen with everybody talking/laughing/crying/saving/hugging/arguing, I like messing with dynamics by making this person and that person related and seeing what happens, Gwaine's my fav tool for that (in my head).
+ Lastly, I won't write these topics/characters: I don't mind killing anyone off but Gwen. Gwen lives in all my Universes. I don't like writing baby/kid fic. I don't like S4. I know very little about S5, but I like rewriting things. Arthur's my 5th favorite character these days (behind Gwen, Merlin, Leon, Gwaine) so if I get prompted anything to do with him I'll change him into a character I'd like more. I don't write Elyan. Nothing squicky...and my fav Seasons are 2, 3 & 1 in that order.

(These 'What I Like' bios are going to form part of your Team's post so people know what to prompt your team. If you want to make rewrites/edits you have until I publicly post who's in which team.)

All Comments/Sign Ups will be Screened. So there may be some surprise left about this thing -- oooohhh surprise.

When Sign Up is over (sometime early next week) I'll PM you a list of your Team Members, so you can think about it before everybody knows who's with who and can construct strategies against them. Then I'll post a list of Teams to the Comm sometime after that and you can all get gleeful and gloaty and talk your teammates up (coz you got this thing - no other team comes close; the other teams may as well go home now). Then your Team Posts will go up (apparently theres's this thing, i think, were I can just make posts and set the date and time in the future and they just post themselves - like that thing on Tumblr). Then the craziness starts (we should cross thru 2 different weekends). Then we die. Then we revive. Then we die again. Then there are Winners. So we wake up for that. Then we all go have long sleeps and try not to talk about any of it for a few months.

OH AND: because I didn't say it earlier, and I know some of you are rusty on the ol' AG - this Challenge supports General and Other Pairings, as well as AG.

But because this is an AG Comm, Arthur and Gwen can only be in a 'romantic' relationship with each other. This doesn't include triangles or mentions of past relationships - they're fine, as long as AG isn't rubbished in the process. (Three/moresomes were allowed the last time, but not this time.)

(If you just want to prompt, you don't need to sign up.

Everyone will need to have an LJ though because this thing is not Anon. At no stage would being Anon help anyone...or give us any results we could use.)

+mod: mustbethursday3, .challenge: mini challenge (sign up)

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