15 Fics in 15 Days Challenge : Voting Post

Dec 12, 2013 11:19

ag-fics 15 in 15 Challenge: Voting Post

STARTS: Now (12th Dec 2013)
ENDS:Mon 15th Dec 24th Dec 2013 (Countdown Clock)

Welcome to the 15 in 15 Challenge Voting Post. After 15 days of competition, it is finally time for you guys to vote on your favourite entries!


♥ Read the entries listed below. Make sure you set aside enough time to read each entry!

♥ After reading all the entries, select your favourite/s from each poll.

♥ The Authors of the fics may vote, however, you can NOT vote for yourself or ask anyone else to do so. Any such votes will not be included in the vote.

♥ Writers will be revealed after winners are announced.

♥ The winner of each category will win. Our two participants will also receive a participation banner for completing the challenge


You can read all the entries here!


Poll 15 in 15 Challenge Polls



If you have any feedback for our lovely authors then please leave a comment at the bottom of their fic - comments will be screened until voting has ended.

We highly recommend leaving feedback because all writers like to know how their work was received - Did it make you: howl with laughter, or cry, or widen your eyes comically? Did you gasp aloud? Frown at the screen before you? Almost knock over your drink as you squealed in delight?

And what about it the fic that specifically caused the feelings you had. Was it the phrasing? The timing? The ending? Quote them - in my experience authors' like it when you pick specific quotes from their fics - and say what it was about that phrase/line/couple of sentences that made you take notice. That made you laugh, or cry, or applaud. That made you want to read them over again.

We would also be very grateful if you would leave some feedback on the challenge itself on THIS post. I would really appreciate your comments on how well the challenge was run and if there are anything that you liked or thought needed improvement -- such as a longer writing period etc. Just feel free to comment below :D!

+mod: ella_rose88, .challenge: 15 in 15 (voting)

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