HMMMMMMMM....not so much. I had to dash away and update a prompt table - that I've been stuck mid-update in since last, last weekend and it took me a while to realise I was doing it the hard way. SIGH. Read: The Slow way. And there's about seven things I want to do right now, so instead I'm just frowning at the list I've made and trying to work out how to name these Teams.
There were a few who did not partake in the funzies...and I know who they are :P
I'm legit wondering if I've made these teams too strong. That's my greatest worry right now.
Srsly, starting a prompt list this time. Like now, before I got to sleep and forget.
OH and if anyone's reading this and wondering: all the times and countdown things, I'll add in tomorrow. I just want to finish banners (in your team colours, guys - if my Photoshop muse will work with me - his name is Phillipe and he can be pretty unhelpful) and start drafting up some Team Post intros and such.
We're going to have the Teams Reveal post and then ALL five of the Team Posts will pop up at the same time, hours later (how many hours? IDK depends how long it takes me to perfect everything) - probbaly before midnight my time, coz tomorrow is Thursday (aw, Thursday's challenge starts on a Thursday) and I have work on Friday. Generally they prefer me awake.
And, well you haven't seen the other teams yet - you all have stiff competition - you're going to need the full power of that awesomeness to conquer this Challenge.
If you have any questions just ask, I may be a bit slow on a weekday (work) - but I will answer as soon as I can. You'll be fine. Your team's one of my favorite configurations - I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys can do :)
And that is a very good sign. Birthday luck is the best kind of luck.
OT: I LOVE your Mordred icon. I don't think I've seen any before (no really), I kinda drifted out of Merlin discussions as he was coming onto the scene (he was actually the only positive I could see about S5 for a while) icon production hadn't caught up.
I actually thought it was Benedict Cumberbatch for ten seconds there (I think my Sherlock longings are kicking up again).
Comments 45
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It's worse with a countdown clock isn't it?
I keep looking at it and going no, stop - Im not ready O_O
But, hee.
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There were a few who did not partake in the funzies...and I know who they are :P
I'm legit wondering if I've made these teams too strong. That's my greatest worry right now.
Unleash the hounds.
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But it's super fine if you all want to tell me what a great job I did teaming you all up. Flattery, I can take it XD
Just what I want to hear :D
And aw, wet!Arthur...I'm getting prompt ideas.
Srsly, starting a prompt list this time. Like now, before I got to sleep and forget.
OH and if anyone's reading this and wondering: all the times and countdown things, I'll add in tomorrow. I just want to finish banners (in your team colours, guys - if my Photoshop muse will work with me - his name is Phillipe and he can be pretty unhelpful) and start drafting up some Team Post intros and such.
We're going to have the Teams Reveal post and then ALL five of the Team Posts will pop up at the same time, hours later (how many hours? IDK depends how long it takes me to perfect everything) - probbaly before midnight my time, coz tomorrow is Thursday (aw, Thursday's challenge starts on a Thursday) and I have work on Friday. Generally they prefer me awake.
And, well you haven't seen the other teams yet - you all have stiff competition - you're going to need the full power of that awesomeness to conquer this Challenge.
Well no I haven't and I know that each team will have awesome writers, but I believe we can do it if we battle hard!
Confidence is an important thing but Avatar Korra says "you're going down!"
And that is a very good sign. Birthday luck is the best kind of luck.
OT: I LOVE your Mordred icon. I don't think I've seen any before (no really), I kinda drifted out of Merlin discussions as he was coming onto the scene (he was actually the only positive I could see about S5 for a while) icon production hadn't caught up.
I actually thought it was Benedict Cumberbatch for ten seconds there (I think my Sherlock longings are kicking up again).
So I will go through you awesome introduction again and see what questions are left for me ;)
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