The Sky King is Stoopid :D

Feb 17, 2008 01:14

::The Basics::
1.Name/Nickname: Aki
2.Age: 17 years old
3.Gender: Female

4.Likes: Animu, manga, music, art, computers, books, beds and pillows, cheese, food, technology, snow, autumn, rain, storms, gay sex, pr0n, notebooks, 4chan, solitude
5.Dislikes: Racists, homophobes, narrow minded people, being outsmarted, sunlight, having to wake up in the morning, not having enough money, stoopid people with no common sense
6.Fears: BUGS. Failure OTL
7.Goals/Dreams: To be a world renowned author, sidelining as an actress, with a masters in Neurology.
8.Hobbies/Talents: Singing, drawing, cooking, sleeping, writing, graphic making, making something out of nothing
9.Strong Points: Relatively sane, above average intelligence, opinionated, stubborn, patient, humourous, determined, emphatic, simple yet complicated, sarcastic
10.Weak Points: Moody, judgmental, procrastinator, inactive, selfish, arrogant, elitist, low self esteem (PARADOX???) and narcissistic

11.Your General mood: I'm a very moody person. I can shift from being happy to sad to angry in a matter of seconds.

12.What's your personality in three to six words: Random, weird, insane, perverted

13.Color: Black, red, white, silver, and blue
14.Animal: Cats 8D
15.Food: Cheese :)
16.Quote: Nobody move! I dropped me brain!

17.Air Gear Character and why: Akito/Agito. He's sweet, cute, and ruthless at the same time.

::Least Favorite::
18.Color: None. :|
19.Animal: Er, anything that has more than 4 legs.
20.Food: Bitter gourd D:

21.Air Gear Character and why: Simca. I ... don't really know to be honest. I just dislike her :(

::Are you::
22.Mature or Immature: Mature
23.a Leader or Follower: Leader
24.Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic
25.Outgoing or Shy: Shy
26.Quick to Act or Not: Quick to Act

27.Include a picture or describe yourself: Around 5'6, with shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, fat, sunken eyes. LOL.

28.Anything else: Nope :P
29. Please link the 3 people you voted for here as proof: There was only one person is need of rating ♥
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