Jul 07, 2008 23:55

::The Basics::
1.Name/Nickname: SK.
2.Age: 18.
3.Gender: F.

4.Likes: Anime, manga, drawing, laptops, computers, my friends and family, music, dragons, cats, throwing out witty remarks, teasing people, scaring people, giving nicknames, karaoke, singing, video games like Phoenix Wright and The World Ends With You, trenchcoats, making people laugh, yaoi, yuri, hentai, RPGs, roleplaying, winning, sleeping in, relaxing, the interwebz, playing my violin.
5.Dislikes: Celery, stress, insects (especially bees), loud noises, harsh lights, bad grades, aches and illnesses, people suffering, whiners, liars, boredom, large crowds, being accused, needles, idealism, dark alleys, bees, being told I'm wrong, people who condescend or insult me, other people's advice, strict rules, having no power in a matter, childish people, idiots, loud noises, stupidity, changing plans, not knowing something, naive people, being ignored purposely, being bothered while I'm focused, being a burden (so I try to be as individualistic as possible and stand up on my own), debating/public speaking, conflict.
6.Fears: Bees, looking idiotic, losing people close to me, not knowing something, dark alleys, looking weak, needles.
7.Goals/Dreams: Continue to be a violinist, find my "calling" (prehaps being a Japanese translator) as I want to do something great in life, go to college in the fall and enjoy the experience, go to as many anime cons as I can and cosplay around 1-3 costumes at each.
8.Hobbies/Talents: Most are in my "Likes", but I've also been told I'm tolerant of...erm...strange people. :D
9.Strong Points: Dependable, calm (normally, anyway), logical, intelligent, individualistic, loyal, mature, opinionated, polite, attentive, protecting, thinker, introverted, witty/has a sense of humor, reason-finder, complex, reflective, caring, observant, analytical, realistic, cunning, strategic, diplomat.
10.Weak Points: I'm VERY obsessive, teasing, critical, blunt, cynical, sarcastic, loner-ish, withdrawn, insecure, gloomy/angsty at times, paranoid, smug, arrogant, may appear condescending, sardonic, sometimes demanding, stubborn on some things while submissive on others, tense, conflict-avoider, distant, secretive, cold, two-faced, pessimistic, kinda bossy sometimes, procrastinator, conclusion-jumper, curious, eccentric, overdramatic, dork, lazy, seemingly uncaring/apathetic, nerdy.

11.Your General mood: Defnitely calm, yet I can be dorky sometimes, too.

12.What's your personality in three to six words: ISTJ, idiosyncratic, logical, obsessive, teasing, layered (like a friggin' onion, lol, Shrek reference).

13.Color: Blue and black.
14.Animal: Dragon, although i'm also fond of cats and birds.
15.Food: Popcorn.
16.Quote: I never can choose a favorite, so I looked up a few I found amusing. Why these quotes? Because they make me chuckle lightly, as bad as some may be.

"Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence."
- Ashleigh Brilliant

"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it."
- Mark Twain

"I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours."

"Reading this gives me brief control of your mind."

17.Air Gear Character and why: I won't say to avoid swaying votes~

::Least Favorite::
18.Color: Orange and pink.
19.Animal: Bees.
20.Food: Celery.

21.Air Gear Character and why: Not sure, honestly.

::Are you::
22.Mature or Immature: People tend to think of me as mature, but everyone has their moments. ♥ I certainly have a playful side to me, it just doesn't always show.
23.a Leader or Follower: I can be both, depending on the situation or if I choose to step up to the plate or not, because I am capable of being a leader. But sometimes I just do things on my own, or prefer to work in the background, as it's less work than leading. I can be kinda lazy sometimes...and being a leader can be stressful, too~ But overall I'd rather not follow orders, as I hate being bossed around.
24.Optimistic or Pessimistic: I'm a pessimistic realist with a small bit of optimism here and there. But I'd say mostly PR. I'd rather expect the worst and get the best (or the worst) than expect the best and get the worst.
25.Outgoing or Shy: I'm not outgoing, but I'm not shy, either (unless you've just met me). So I suppose in-between.
26.Quick to Act or Not: Quick to think THEN act.

27.Include a picture or describe yourself:

28.Anything else: No, not really.
29. Please link the 3 people you voted for here as proof:
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