::The Basics::
1.Name/Nickname: Anastasya\Adalimina
2.Age: 19
3.Gender: Female
4.Likes: sweets,anime,manga,nature, bright colors, orange, light-green and pink colors, rainbows, rain, dawn, cats, ladybirds, butterflies, blossoming plants, soft toys, warmth, tea with a lemon, coffee,water,the sky, breeze, to draw,to listen to music, to dream,to sleep, learning something new,intelligent conversations, people with personalities,people with a good sense of humour...etc.
5.Dislikes: lie, treachery, dullness, flattery, hypocrisy, meanness, empty promises, roughness, gossips, aimless conversations, an ingratitude, scandals, advertising, early to rise, when I am given advices, glamour style, shopping,boredom,crowds,beeing ignored,smoking and drinking, grammatic mistakes in words,when something goes not the way I’ve planned... etc.
6.Fears: I fear of an unhappy future
7.Goals/Dreams: to fulfill all of my wishes and plans without having any regrets.
8.-Hobies:watching anime,reading manga,drawing,photography,listening to music
-Talents: drawing,singing,the ability to learn quickly,a rather good memory.
9.Strong Points:
-I learn quickly
-I can tell my weak points :3
-I’m: forgivable,kind,responsible,purposeful(when it is needed),intellectual,precise,creative,imaginative
10.Weak Points:
-I'm very self-enamoured;
-Sometimes I'm not serious about certain thing;
-Sometimes I lack self-confidence;
-I'm short of temper and a spitfire;
-I’m very curious ;
- I’m jealous
-I'm greedy
-I love to annoy people;
-I get bored easily;
-Very talkative (but only with those who know me good and who I trust) otherwise I’m unsociable
11.Your General mood: Normal
12.What's your personality in three to six words: sorry it's a little more than six ^^'''
energetic,self-enamoured ,short of temper,curious,optimistic,daydreamer, intellectual, precise, imaginative, determined, risky but careful enough…
13.Color: Orange
14.Animal: Cat
15.Food: Chocolate
16.Quote: ‘Art doesn’t reproduce the visible-it makes things visible’
17.Air Gear Character and why: Agito (agressive,determined,,short of temper,likes when things go the way he wants,egoist...)
::Least Favorite::
18.Color: Green
19.Animal: Horse
20.Food: Liver
21.Air Gear Character and why: Ringo (she's too overprotective and often gets in the way)
::Are you::
22.Mature or Immature: Immature
23.a Leader or Follower: either I’m a loner,either a leader(lately mostly a loner).Probably because I don’t like other people telling me what to do or give advices.
24.Optimistic or Pessimistic: optimistic
25.Outgoing or Shy: between.When I'm with people I know,I'm outgoing,otherwise-shy
26.Quick to Act or Not: No
27.Include a picture or describe yourself:
28.Anything else: No
29. Please link the 3 people you voted for here as proof:
http://community.livejournal.com/ag_rating/23945.html?view=176777#t176777 http://community.livejournal.com/ag_rating/23687.html?view=177031#t177031 http://community.livejournal.com/ag_rating/23325.html?view=177181#t177181