I finally picked up and began reading SGA: Homecoming and I am so very glad that I wasn't diligent in drinking my coffee as I read.
Because I would have choked to death on this.
It was a good thing he closed the door, because he nearly burst out in laughter.
"Yeah, it's very funny," Sheppard whispered. He was wearing his usual uniform, with the addition of a harness around his neck from which dangled Torren, who appeared to be sound asleep. "Have a good laugh, Carson. Teyla has to do this meeting, and I said I'd watch him but I needed to go to the gateroom."
"It lends you a certain something," Carson said. "A certain ineffable dashing charm. There's nothing like wearing a baby as a necktie to make women ovulate when they see you."
- Stargate Atlantis: Homecoming, page 23, by Jo Graham & Melissa Scott.
And with that, I must start getting ready for workies. :p
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