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Okay, so my computer woes aren't going to prevent me from doing this discussion thing.
Today is also the day to begin reading Wedge's Gamble, if you haven't already.
I won't reiterate the plot, since we should all know it by now :)
This book holds a special place in my heart because it's what brought me into the Star Wars EU. I was, possibly ironically, doing research for a Star Trek fanfic that I had been working on when I realized that while I could write fight scenes with a starship, I didn't have the vocabulary for snubfighter battles. Since I was in the middle of a sordid love affair with the Rogue Squadron game, first on the N64 and then on the then-new Nintendo GameCube, I figured that the X-Wing series would be the perfect place for me to start.
Now here I am nearly 10 or so years later with an EU book collection that I am both proud and ashamed of (good God I have a lot of Star Wars books). It was my original foray into this series that rekindled my love of Star Wars, as well, so for that I profusely thank Mike Stackpole. I was reconnected with a part of my childhood that I hadn't even realized that I'd lost.
So. The book.
This is where we first meet Corran Horn, and it's through his eyes that we meet the newly reformed Rogue Squadron. I know he's hated by a lot of folks, myself included, however rereading this I realized why: he was a little too accepting of the criticisms offered to him from the other characters in the book. Granted he needed to have the intial lessons knocked into his brain twice, but still, it was a fairly impressive successful attitiude-change ratio for a character.
But time and distance has mellowed me out towards him. He doesn't make me want to twitch so hard, and his importance to the series as a whole kinda stuck out for me this time around. While other points of view are explored, we really are seeing this whole story from Corran's perspective from the first page to the last. I didn't mind him as a story-teller so much this time around, and for that I think I've gained a slightly deeper appreciation for this part of the story-arc.
This is where I open the floor up to everyone else to add their comments and observations.
So go nuts :)
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