
Thursday's Final Tally

Oct 18, 2012 21:12

So, my dad being home sick today didn't hinder the work any. It did prevent me from being able to completely recharge, though, because despite spending the day on opposite ends of the house (I am not going near him when he's sick or I'll catch it) the sheer knowledge that someone else was in the house grated on me.

So I'm actually fairly annoyed right now. Hormonal issues aren't helping. My only consolation is that after my shift on Saturday I have the next week off for Reading Week. I have PLANS for this, outside of doing the one major paper that is due the week following, and those plans are to do the last 3 assignments so I don't have to worry about anything except the reading.

Oh, and study for the mid-term exam.


Okay, so here's how the list stands:

  • Atra-hasis/Gilgamesh Questions

  • Read Judges 6-18

  • Read Judges 19-21
  • Read Ruth
  • Read Kingdom of Priests 207-253
  • Write that damned fic

I will finish Judges before bed, no problem. And as I am a little more than passingly familiar with Ruth, I will give it a quick once-over to refresh my knowledge. As for the KoP pages, I will try to read what I can on my way to class and then during lunch, since those pages aren't being quizzed on until the afternoon.

This is the closest to being caught up that I have been since the semester started. I took the other prof's advice and didn't bother trying to incorporate the stuff I missed previously, since in a sense it's no longer required. Our midterm is on the lectures only, as the in-class quizzes constitute our testing on the readings.

Needless to say my Reading Week plans also include trying to get a jump beyond the required reading for the following class, so I can maybe end up completely on-par or even ahead.

Which would be nice, since we'll be going into November at that point and it would give me so much more time to do NaNo.

Kei is still trying to convince me to let her go on a D&D delve. So help me, I might let her.

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