(no subject)

Jul 23, 2011 20:38

Name: Amanda
Journal: mythicafoxers
Contact: Plurk ; AIM: DrawingDawg

OC or AU: AU
Character Name: Eridan Ampora
Series: Homestuck
Gender: Male
Age: Neearring 7th sweep
Requested Sponsor: Amethyst
Entry position (Cadet, SeeD, Instructor, other): Cadet
Appearance: Doop? Not much has changed on him appearance-wise. He's grown about a hair or two, the purple in his eyes are just starting to fill out a bit, his horns are a smidgen bigger and sharper looking, and he seems... well, calmer and a little bit more laid back. He seems less angry, but more pathetic reserved to himself. Oh! He's got scars around his body, the more prominent ones that you'll probably be able to see a lot better being on his face, which include the ones where his gills were sealed and his fins were removed. (They were opened back up and brought back when he was canon updated to the last time, don't worry haha)

And... let's not forget the scars on his face. Yes, he's taken to looking like his ancestor, oops. He has two very very distinguished looking scars that go diagonally on his face. C8

Like this!!

History: Everything prior to his entry to Sacrosanct


Eridan had actually arrived prior to him ever becoming hopeless and raging the hell out. His original entry point was during the conversation with Rose and right before that bugger of a kid made his computer explode. He was thrown into Sacrosanct a year ago tomorrow!. To be honest, he wasn't entirely thrilled about it, but hey, he wasn't the only residential asshole on the station, and Vriska took him in for a while. CAHOOOOOOOTS.

And just when things were getting pretty sweet... he got sent back once more to after he had gone through his freaking out with the wand. Great. He wasn't the only one who was sent back, Feferi and Sollux were also sent back to the Veil, and they had all returned at the same time. Drama. Drama everywhere. He had gone through being abandoned by the trolls for the first time, and his cahoots with Vriska? Gone. No more cahoots. IN FACT, HE EVEN DIED TWICE BECAUSE OF THIS. AUGH.

And after those things had cooled down, shit happened, and Eridan ended up not only losing his fins and gills and temporarily became a land-based fishtroll, but he had also slightly gained a kismesis from it. HAHA... Either way, he was rescued from that later, and instead of trying to contact a scientist on the station... he turned his back to the station and worked for the woman who had taken everything from him. He's pretty dang smart.

So then, everyone abandoned him for the second time, and he was taken in by Joe (from the Protomen). Things were great, he was slowly slowly gaining back trust from the troll-cast. Yada yada. One thing after another. He had even gained a moirail during this time because of the simple fact that he was pretty desperate for a quadrant and he wanted to help out his fellow highblood.

His final return was returning to the Veil and following up onto his death. but recently, he's had to lose his kismesis for about a month and a half, And then he came back and gave him some sweet scars lose his moirail and they're currently going through this traumatizing event.

World History: >Eridan: Be the blundering seatroll

Alright. Let's get down to the roots of the land that he comes from.

Our setting begins in a planet named Alternia. Nestled in a galaxy set in the past and is very far from our own. Surrounding this darkened planet are two moons; one a stunning pink, the other an equally as magnificent lime green. If you take a trip to this planet, you're most likely to become a statistic. The main dangers of the planet, which range from the deadly fauna, the environment and even the native people, are dangers that one would have to face if they manage to somehow make it to the planet.

The natives on the planet, the trolls, strike peculiar similarities and differences than being a human. Alternia in particular isn't the standard definition of normality we're used to. One thing in particular that one would take to notice is how they perceive romance. Troll romance is kind of a huge deal to their society. It take its points to be similar to ours, but it branches into bigger complications. It can be split into two quadrants; one black, and the other red. Red Romance (Redrom for short) is split into two sections. One is Matespritship and the other is Moirallegiance. Black Romance (Shortened to Blackrom) is to Auspisticeness and Kismessissitude!

Matepsrits are one of the sections that are used for reproduction purposes. The flushed quadrant is for two trolls showing quite a bit of fond feelings toward the other memeber. Moiraillegiance is for friendship between the two. (The term coined as "Fated Friends" for a reason!) They look out for each other and marke sure the other member doesn't do something incredibly stupid. This is the pale quadrant for trolls.

Auspisticeness is in the blackrom section; it is about mediating between two trolls in a party. They don't directly get anything out of it, but it's for the benefit of the two they're trying to protect; this type of relationship falls under the ashen quadrant. Then there's being someone's Kismesis. This belongs in the caliginous quadrant, and is the other block for troll reproduction purposes. Being someone's kismesis means that they have extreme hate for one another, and they'd just about love to see the other one die.

With your Matesprits and Kismesises, you get into the reproductive habits of trolls. Alternia works quite differently with populating their planet. The Mother Grub stays safe within the brooding caverns where she will create and spawn the future of the planet. She enlists in the help of the Imperial Drones to carry around the necessary equipment for collecting genetic material from both quadrants. (Aka the filial pails.) The drones not only carry out the job of collecting the material, but also the job of cultivating the population for the weaker trolls that have nothing to contribute to the population. (Which means trolls who have no matesprit or kismesis) When they have collected the material, the drones return and the Mother Grub collects all of the genetic material into one incestuous slurry. Then she lays hundreds of thousand of eggs in the cavern where she resides. When the trolls hatch from their eggs, they enter the first stage of life, the larval stage. They proceed to find a safe spot in the stalactites and begin developing into their nest stage snug in a cocoon. As they shape into their new small bodies, they grow until they break from the cocoon. The trolls now look more like human children than larvae.

With their new appendages, they go through one hell of a time. They have to fight their way through incredibly dangerous trials. If they're lucky to survive, they're able to show that they're strong enough to carry on the population. They're also chosen by a Lusus Naturae at this point. These creatures will raise and in return, be raised by the trolls they have chosen. The lusii themselves are Alternia's fauna; ranging from all sorts of shapes, sizes and even sub-species. From miniature bulls to dragons, mythical animals, you name it. And, for some odd reason, lusii have the same color as their troll that they have chosen. The troll and their newly acquainted Custodian surface from the underground and begin life anew, setting in to a location for their home and having it built by the Carpenter Drones.

When they have settled down in their new homes, the trolls begin their late childhood-teenage stages. With an already somewhat-developed personality, the children will continue to experiment and find out what they want to spend their days doing, much similar to what humans do. Daily life of a troll begins as follows: they exit from their Recuperacoons (The troll equivalent of a bed), which are filled with Sopor Slime. It serves for one purpose; to aid with the terrible nightmares the children have when they're asleep. However, the slime itself should not be consumed! Unfortunately, it has not stopped a certain indigo blood from doing it!

With the "indigo blood" mentioned, one should note the trolls primarily live by a color caste. Each troll has a different blood color with the spectrum as follows: Violet begins the spectrum at the highest level. Violet-bloods are royalty and are seadwellers. Next is purple, which is also a seadweller color. After that is indigo, then blue, green, yellow, orange and then red as the lowest level you can go. However, there is a special case in blood colors. Jade green blood, nestled between blue and green is an exceptionally rare color blood. It gives sanction to protection of a troll by a Virgin Mother Grub. That particular type of Mother Grub that has given up her duty to reproduce for the planet.

Color system down, we return back to the subject of a troll's life. As time progresses and the solar sweeps (Alternian's way of measuring time assuming from the conversion of 1 Earth Year roughly being 2.166 solar sweeps) stack up, they finally settle into a norm. More sweeps later, they enter adult-hood. When they are adults, they join their fellow adults and are shipped off to fight in the on-going conquest of their universe.

A certain group of twelve trolls happen to find their way into something that changed that "normality" for Alternia. A yellow-blood hacker stumbled upon a game that turned out to be one hell of a game. He had visions of the game that basically translated into it being crucial for them to play the game or else the planet would be destroyed! (The irony of this is the object of the game is as followed: to create a new universe, you must destroy a single planet.) He passes the word to a few select trolls, who end up passing it to the remaining ones. They jumped right into the game without hesitation. The game itself, titled SGRUB, is a spin-off of SBURB; where the White King of Prospit and the Black King of Derse are raging war for Skaia. When the fighting becomes intense, the Black King ends up victorious over the White King. He sent out a hailstorm of meteors, in which Skakia opened a multitude of portals in defense that directly linked to the players' planet, the meteors were hurled into the portals and the players were doomed and forced to seek the safety of the Medium.

Derse and Prospit have their own special meaning in the game. The planets themselves serve high importance for the players, harboring their Dream Selves. When the players go to sleep, their dream selves wake up on either planet. One could be hailing from the Light Kingdom of Prospit or the Dark Kingdom of Derse. And, in the case of you dying before the end of the game, you technically have one free life by your dream self! This has come in handy for a few trolls already.

Upon seeing that the danger of the meteors were imminent, they set out to enter the game before they died. The idea of the game does not stop there after they actually entered the game. To complete the game you begin by getting all of the players into the Medium. To do this, you need to get the game, install it, and with the help of your Host, you begin the steps to get into the medium. When you are actually in and in your land, you help the next player in line. After they are in their own land, you travel through the lands through gates, defeat your denizen (the boss of the land) and after a long haul, you defeat the Black King. With that down, you can successfully collect your spoils.

The trolls seemed to just fly through without much difficulty, or so it seemed. The game ended up turning sour in their favor, and was actually glitched from the start. An added bonus was when Gl'Bgolyb (Feferi's monster Lusus capable of committing total destruction of the trolls) was prototyped. They endured their hardships and made it up to the final boss, defeating him. Right as they were to collect their spoils, the newly prototyped Jack Noir (from the human children's SBURB session) busted up their chances. The trolls were transported to safety by Aradia's help, but Jack ended up doing more damage than they had expected. He even went as far as to destroying Prospit and Derse, sending the trolls into terrible nightmares. Their dream-selves are dead now, excluding the ones who've already used their "dream life".

The group is now stuck in the Veil, a meteor belt that is located on the boundaries of the Medium, waiting out their lives. The only thing they're able to do is begin finding answers to who was responsible for the outside addition that they certainly did not need.

>Eridan: Get sent to Sacrosanct


Sacrosanct is a station that orbits the planet Asphodel. Asphodel is about the size of Mars, and... not as nice as Sacrosanct. But we'll get to that later. FIRST, LET'S HIT UP SACROSANCT.

You start off in Zone 00, which is located in the middle of the station. Dazed and probably confused (interdimentional space travel's kinda weird like that) and you can even get a small little chat from Hypatia, who'll basically tell you what this place is about. 8D

Now, this place is far too dangerous to stick around and you know... live, and after the introduction, everyone is sent to Residential Zone 1 (Kurzweil). YOUR NEW LIFE CAN NOW BEGIN. YEAH. Don't worry, there's tons to do here. You'll never be bored, even if it seems like you are. There'll be something happening before too long.

Sacrosanct is divided into thirty two zones, half of them being garden zones (all of which house life and are of different ecosystems) the other half being the residential zones. The garden zones can also house life the same way the residential zones can. Both zone types provide the simulation of day and night and also provide for different weather systems happening about the zones.

The residential zones have the capabilities to house up to 12 million, and provide for all of the modern accommodations of a normal city. Every citizen is also provided food and shelter if they don't even have the credits to do so. While living without any credits under their belts. They are given the ability to live in free hostels and soup kitchens for food purposes unless they live with someone who already has credits haha. These credits aren't actually taken away when you purchase food or a place to live, but they're almost like a way to unlock new places to live or new food to get to. They can be gained by completing tasks on the Job Board.

To get around, you go through the teleporters, which can take you to any of the zones, woohoo. Nothing too special about them, right? HAHA NOPE. At times, the station has the ability to return folks to their homelands for some time via the teleporters going through a malfunction. Eridan has gone back a few times, which mainly mean that he's been canon-updated. People can also go home when they

If you want to talk to people within different zones you had to do it over the Network more than likely. Upon entry you were given a small bracelet, which is more commonly referred to as your "wearable". it can do all sorts of function, like video... voice, text... even holograms!! It's pretty great, and hella functional.

Down on Asphodel, life's different. Wow, it has a lot of volcanos, a bunch of planet covering storms, and folks who actually breathe in oxygen might not enjoy being on the surface. Down below the surface? It has a load of tunels (no, there are a lot of tunnels down there) and it has what seems to be a bit of oxygen flowing through the tunnels, but not enough to actually live comfortably.

Now, you can totally stay down in this place for as long as you like, given that you have the proper tools to do so. It also provides you with a job board and the bracelets still function like they did in Sacrosanct. Just... not as well as it did in Sacrosanct.

Though, if you stay down there for long enough, you might have a harder time getting back to Sacrosanct. But that's your call!!

... Tl;dr ======>

-- caligulasAquarium [cA] attached file "newwbieguide.txt". Accept file [Y]/N? -- (Credit to manipul8trix for letting me use that link 8,D)

Abilities & Physical Abnormalities: Eridan is just a normal... average... every-day troll. Gray tinted skin, yellow colored sclera with matching yellow nails. His irises aren't fully gray anymore, they're partially starting to fill in with his blood color. He has two lightning shaped horns that are described as "candy corn colored".
Things that will probably not help him at all =>
Seadweller: Despite the fact that he does spend all of his time above the water, Eridan does have the ability to breathe underwater and swim underwater. But that's too mainstream and he wants to chill above land to try to eradicate all of those stinkin' landdwellers so yep.
Shootin': What is Eridan's Strife Specibus? rifleKind, of course. Meaning? He has a pretty good shot with his terribly overpowered gun. (Seriously. It blew a hole in a whale. With a single shot)

Personality: From the beginning of the comic, you get to meet what Eridan is. He's literally just a GIANT FUCKING BRAT who only wants what he wants and he'll get it in any way, shape, or form he desires. Well uh........ well...

Some of the things that have molded his personality is the way he's grown up through the sweeps. His interests include military figures, historical leaders, wizardly (not real) magic and genocide. While he does enjoy and have such a slight facination with the realms of magic, he does state and does he ever firmly state that he does not believe that such poppycock actually exists in the world. Magic isn't real, it's all a bunch of fakey-fake bull. Along with that, he asserts his title as a highblooded seadwelling troll and is quite frankly? A giant douchebag who spits out more swears than a guy trying to play Kaizo Mario a guy trying to find a hay in a needle stack while doing taxes in the middle of a blizzard. He despises all land dwelling trolls and will do nothing more to destroy them all. Because of this, his genocidical complex has grown massive, enlisting certain trolls to help him.

One in particular? A hatred-driven kismesisitude with a certain Vriska Serket. It involved sweeps of extrememe roleplaying to obtain massive amounts of weaponry to fuel his attempt to obliterate all of the land dwelling trolls. They would be one of the most unstopable alliances and they were also the greatest of competitors, as they followed in the footsteps of their ancestors. This helped feed Feferi's lusus to keep it quiet and happy. The two of them participated in a vast display of kismesisitude before he was flopped to the curb. Vriska was tired of him and he wasn't needed. He was just another iron in her fire and she had let this one cool. Another relationship to note is his strained one with Feferi Peixes. They were fated moirails, but by the start of the game they were no longer. Feferi would keep Eridan in check to not get himself killed or kill land dwelling trolls, and Eridan would help keep Feferi's lusus quiet and in line. He was just too overbearing for Feferi to handle, especially with the strains of getting into the game and everything else regarding that. He took their breakup in the worst sense and tried to turn to his "friends" to help him. One was away, the other one wasn't "much help" to him in a way.

Another thing is, despite the fact that he does hate everything above land and would stop at nothing to see to it that it never took another breath above the land, he still did feel bad when he found out that one of his teammates did not make it into the game before Feferi's lusus began it's destructive whispers. He realized that he was being an entirely huge asshole when confronted and he felt guilty that he was dead. It doesn't take much to set off his tough guy facade, and it doesn't take much of that to help fuel his need for being dramatic as ever. Certainly, he can prove to be emotional, and he can also be counted as overemotional as well. The break up with Feferi triggered a lot of self hate with him at the end, and she suckered him in for more of his theatrical antics. Fuckin' feelin's, how do they even begin to work with him?*

So yeah, horrah. That's Eridan for you. Well, that's basically Eridan. There's a few stark differences between Mr. Ampora and what Mr. Ampora has gone through from the year that he had been stranded on the station with the rest of the trolls.

Another thing is, when he had gotten through his entirety of hope is lost, even if it have him go through a giant mess of stupid things that he didn't want to go through but OH WELL CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT FOR HIM. He's realized that there's a lot of things that he's done that were actually very wrong, and he realizes that forgiveness is really hard to obtain in his friends.

He's actually been able to realize that the friends that he has he shouldn't take for granted. Just as cruel as fate has been, he can have his friends disappear within the blink of an eye, and either return knowing new things, or not even remembering that they had been on the station at all. He may still act just like a brat to his friends, but he's found out also how to treat them like friends should be treated. But he's still a douche who doesn't know when to stop doing something or realize that he's crossing the wrong line. That's something that'll never leave him.

... He also still thinks magic isn't real, and you can't prove to him otherwise. >8I.

tl;dr for Mr. Ampora: He's still a brat, but he's tried to make atonement for his stupidity.
What are your plans for the character in-game? I AM GOING TO CAUSE ALL SORTS OF SHENANIGANS AND NOTHING GOOD IS GOING TO COME OUT OF IT. Especially since I am bringing him after the events of THIS GLORIOUS ENTRY.

Anything else?
Nope. Oh uh... I forget, is he going to also be keeping his wearable, or not? If he isn't then that's cool. uwu

Complete TWO out of the FOUR options.
(As this questionnaire is entirely IC, your character is free to lie.)
What do you prefer to be known as? Eridan Ampora, the Prince a Hope.
How old are you? Nearin' my seventh sweep, thank you very much.

Do you have any history in combat? Well, yeah. Especially in the way that we sea dweller have been tempered an' raised, we have quite a bit a knowledge in combat an' all that great stuff. Also, us trolls as an entire species are known to be fuckin' murderhappy as hell.

If so, have you ever killed? ... ...

A few times, what's the problem with that?

i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity? Let's get it over with, I say, seriously. I don't have time to waste on shit.

ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities?

iii) What role do you take when working in a group? I lead when I know I can, considerin' who's usually in charge for leadin', I'd rather pass on the leadin' thing if I can.

iv) How talkative are you around other people? Uh...

v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning. That's probably the most redundant thing ever to ask me, considerin' what my species is. But, I guess I'll follow what you're askin' an' answer it anyways. I'd take along my

vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people? It's... nice, anyways.

vii) When the odds are against you, is it worth taking a chance? I've faced death an' lost, what more do I have to lose?

viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person? ... [Eye twitch.] At... at times.

ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life?

x) Do you like surprises? I am so fuckin' tired a surprises...

xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you? Nope, never. You don't get perfection like myself. Maybe a little... hm.

xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions?

xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages? Uh... that's one a those leafy earth vegatables, right? Not bad, I'd say, but it's not the same as seaweed.

iv) Thread link THIS TAG??


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