Merry Christmas, turquoisetumult!

Dec 21, 2008 21:48

You asked for a picspam featuring Lost, Buffy/Angel, Pushing Daisies and Supernatural... And that's what you've got! Hope you enjoy! :D

Narrator: "Once upon a time, on the Island of Lost, known affectionately as Craphole Island..."

Shannon: "That's copyright Shannon Rutherford, thank you very much."
Hurley: *writes it down*

Narrator: (cont') "...there lived a happy, fun-loving, carefree piemaker known as Ben Linus."

Ben the happy, fun-loving, carefree piemaker: "Gosh, I love making pies! In fact, there's nothing better in the whole wide world I love more than making people happy with my delicious pies and--"

Dean: "Did he say pie?"

Dean: "Hey, could I have some pie?"

Dean: *loves pie*

Ben: "Did you just interrupt me? I hate being interrupted!"

Ben: "No pie for you!" *pieblocks*

Dean: *wibbles*

And because Ben the piemaker made Dean *wibble,* that earned him bad karma. And bad karma arrived in the form of...

...Sawyer, frolicking nekkid in the ocean waves!

Ben: "Uh, Ms. Narrator? I don't think that was in the script..."

Narrator: "Shut it, Ben. I'm the one telling the story. Ahem. Anyway, as I was saying..."

Bad karma arrived in the form of...

Ben: "Geez Louise, what IS that up there on the hill? No, it CAN'T be--!"

But it was! Competition had moved in on Ben's lucrative piemaking monopoly in the form of:

Ned: "Hi! I'm Ned the piemaker and I'm so happy to be opening our newest branch of The Pie Hole here on Craphole Island!"

Juliet: "Hey, he's cute! I think I'll go buy some pie from him."

Locke: "Check it out, Ben. Your girl is gonna go get her pie from another man."

And so Ben hatched a nefarious plan to keep his girl Juliet and everybody else on the Island (but mostly his girl Juliet ;) ) from getting their pie from the charming newcomer! So he called in some reinforcements.

Wesley, a charming rogue pie hunter.

Spike, a sexay, formerly evil piemaker who now hunts rogue pies for the LOLZ.

And Giles, a dashing pie hunter who also trains other pie hunters.

Giles: "Is this making sense to anybody?"

Desmond: "It makes about as much sense as why I'm running by naked, dirty and kinda beat up right now."

Spike: "Ummmm, look, I signed up for rogue pie hunting, not for, you know, cavorting around with--"

Wesley: "You stole my jacket, didn't you?"

Spike: *changes jacket and gets a haircut* "I so did not!"

Wes: "Did frickin' too!"

Spike: "Come over here and say that again, pretty boy!"

Giles: "Now, stop that, both of you! Anybody can plainly see that it was MY jacket first!"

Ben: "HEY! You people are supposed to be helping me, not arguing over jackets!"

Duly chastised, the trio of dashing rogue pie hunters listened as Ben formulated a plan to run off Ned the charming newcomer piemaker by spreading the vicious rumor that all of Ned's pie crusts are actually *gasp!* store-bought!

Ben: *snickers at the sheer viciousness of that*

However, little did Ben know that his plan had been overheard!

Emerson: "Why, that little creep! I oughta--!"
Ned: "Don't you think maybe shooting him is a little extreme?"
Chuck: "It's only a water pistol."

Ned: "Well, that WOULD be kinda funny, then, wouldn't it? But no. I have a better idea."

And so, before Ben's evil rumor could begin spreading, Ned quickly made the announcement to all of the citizens of Craphole Island and its various subsidiaries: there would be a piemaking contest, with all of the people of the Island judging just WHO made the better pies!

Ben: "Hah, my cunning adversary has miscalculated, for I bake the best pies in all of Craphole Island and its various subsidiaries!"

The competition began immediately, with furious piemaking going on in both camps!

Ben and Ned: *furiously piemaking*

However, Ben, though quite confident in his mad piemaking skillz, decided playing dirty was a prudent decision at this point. So he sent one of his rogue pie hunters in to do his worst!

Spike: *intimidates the ovens at The Pie Hole so that they go out*

Ned: "Well, that was just rude...and weird."

But an unexpected ally appeared to relight the ovens!

Dean: "Light, you ovens!"


And just to make double-dog SURE that the ovens were lit, he also lit up the room with his sexayness...

Dean: "Hey, better safe than sorry, right?"

And so the pies were both baked on both sides and the moment of truth came at last.

Everyone came running to sample the pies!

Narrator: "Pssss! Kate, that's sample the PIES!"

Sawyer: *was sampled like pie* *liked it* :D

The decision was quickly made! Though Ben's pies were, indeed, delicious, they were also tinged with evil, which had a noticeable bitter taste that no one really liked.

Locke: *falls over* "Blargh! Evil pie!"


Dean: "Ewwww, the bitter taste of evilness!"

John: "Evil pie sucks. Trufax."

Even Ben's hired rogue pie hunters had to agree.

Spike: *considers* "That evil pie tastes like an old shoe."

Wes: "I totally agree. Uh, though not that I've ever tasted an old shoe, mind you... Anyway, I have to give it to Ned. He makes a great non-evil pie." *raises glass* "Cheers, Ned."

Giles: "That's some brilliant pie right there, my boy. Just brilliant! Ned's pie is the winner!"

Ned: "Yay!"

Ben: *speechless*

And so good triumphed over evil, several hot guys got semi-nekkid, and delicious pies were eaten by all! The end! ♥!


*giggles* Merry Christmas, hon! Hope you have a fabulous holiday and a brilliant New Year! *huge hugs!* ♥♥♥!!!

picspam, christmas

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