Ship meme

Jan 20, 2015 01:19

I was tagged by the ever-awesome raktajinos! Thank you for thinking of me, hon! :D ( Read more... )


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Comments 10

dtstrainers January 20 2015, 09:41:47 UTC
And with that, I fell in love with you just a little bit more. Good choices/answers.


ageless_aislynn January 21 2015, 03:19:59 UTC
D'awwwwwww, thanks so much, hon! I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it! :D *hugs* ♥♥♥


paynesgrey January 20 2015, 14:54:31 UTC
Cute answers. I'm so glad to hear you are a 12/Clara shipper. I always like to find more of those.

As for Katrina ... It's so sad the SH fandom hates her so much. I think she's badass on her own... ship or no ship. <3


ageless_aislynn January 21 2015, 03:24:36 UTC
Aw, thank you, hon! :D I totally wasn't going to ship 12/Clara and then they steamrolled right over me with their insane chemistry and the more I was determined NOT to ship them, the deeper I fell in love with them, lol! ;)

Oy, poor Katrina/Katia Winter. Right now she's taking the brunt of so much of the fandom's hate, it's sad! :( Maybe this season hasn't been perfect but I've enjoyed it a lot and I hope they'll get another season. But man, if they don't, they're going to put it pretty much all at her feet and that's so unfair! :(

*hugs* ♥


sykira January 20 2015, 22:47:32 UTC
I wouldn't (yet) say I was a 12/Clara shipper but I did read a fic by them a bit back just cause it popped up in my alerts by one of the authors I will always read cuz of awesome :) so I squinted at it and tried to figure out if they meant an actual romantic pairing (then I was like, it's the internet douevenneedtoask)
So i read it out of curiosity and *headtilted* a bit and yeah, you know what, I can totally see it now!!

LOL at your fluffy kitten hiss!


ageless_aislynn January 21 2015, 03:45:02 UTC
*is fluffy kitten in RL pretty much* Lol, thanks, hon! :D

Ooo, good fanfic has definitely been responsible for opening my eyes to a potential ship before!

I was totally, 100% ready and prepared to not ship it in the slightest. I never really got into Eleven/Clara, probably because I was hung up on Eleven/River and I didn't want to "break them up" in that way. I don't have a problem with multi-shipping the Doctor but I tend to be pretty faithful when it comes to the incarnations. So Nine/Rose, Ten/Donna, Eleven/River and now Twelve/Clara are kinda where it's at for me, though I've been known to dabble with shuffling them around in a non serious way (like, I'd LOVE to see Donna with Nine, Eleven and Twelve, just 'cause, lol! ;) But Ten will always be who I want her to be with at the end of the day, you know ( ... )


develish1 January 24 2015, 03:36:52 UTC
definitely not wasted time love, because if there's one thing I learned very quickly about tumblr, it's how much stuff I never EVER see because I just wasn't online that day *sigh*


ageless_aislynn January 25 2015, 07:21:44 UTC
Oh, that's SO true! I used to be able to backup every day on Tumblr and see what was posted since I was there the last time but those days are looooooong gone. :S Even checking tags isn't a reliable way to not miss something. :S

Anyway, I'm glad you got to read this now! ;) *hugs* ♥


raktajinos January 30 2015, 06:56:32 UTC
yay! I'm ever-awesome!

lol we're completely opposite on the Flarrowverse ships. hahaha. Granted, I ship everything so it's not hard to push me over the edge to any ship :P. I ship Barry/Felicity pretty hardcore. But the relationship I'm most invested in is that of Barry & Joe. Like they give me all sorts of warm fuzzies and make me happy. They're so damn cute like OMIGOD. And that's odd for me, to be so invested in a platonic male-male relationship. I'm pretty good with Barry/Iris too - she has really good taste in men; I like that she's attracted to men who value and respect her.

Also, just like Laurel & Thea / the world.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I just care about every person in this universe, the shipping is a secondary thing for me. It's my new Stargate SG1! *REVELATION MOMENT*. I just want all these people to be happy - I friggen care for them all. Even Wells - and we don't even know if he's good or not yet!

I'm also super behind on Sleepy Hollow. :/


ageless_aislynn February 8 2015, 08:35:27 UTC
Yes, you're definitely in the ever-awesome category in my book! *nodnods* :D

Heh, I was trying not to take too many ships from any one fandom or I would've had Barry/Felicity on there as well because I ship them liek woah! Before Barry's first Arrow ep aired, I was all, "Pfft, I can't believe they're going to try to sell me on Felicity with anybody other than Oliver!" and then when we actually saw him, I was all, "WHO IS THIS CUTIE PIE??? Felicity must have him!" ;) As much as I do love my Olicity, if Barry had just become a regular on Arrow instead of getting his own spin-off, I would DEFINITELY ship Barricity the hardest. The only thing that bumps it down is that it's not really possible to ever become canon because of the separate shows issue. Beyond that, though? Oh man, they would be SO GOOD TOGETHER! *draws sparkly pink hearts around them ( ... )


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